Hello everyone,
As the pandemic spreads we have to look at how we can not only protect urselves but reach out to those who are less able to support themselves so here's a link to COVID 19 Mutual Aid this has full contact details for those who want to support others and those who want support and I hope that it grows.
I have given my phone numder to elderly vulnerable neighbours and want to join a local commuinty team cooking for those who rely on spport for others as I want to help with healthy gluten free options.
I've also offered to walk another neighbours chocolate brown cocker spnaiel who looks longingly out of the window at passers by.
I am also now buying extra in the supermarket and donating that in their food bank box as people are losing their jobs and we need to supprt them as it is through no fault of their own.
If anyone has ideas of how they woiuld like support or how they are supporting others then please say as we can beat this virus by working together and supportibg one another.
I hope that once things settle down we become a more humane society where we re-establish our priorities and look out for those less fortunate.
Together we can beat this virus by being vigilant and benevolent.
I am very impressed with everyone involved in all the HU communities for their tireless efforts to reassure and support one another, so well done folks and please pass COVID 19 Mutual Aid link on. I imagine that HU support are in the thick of this so be nice to our kind hosts HU staff as they deserve it.
Thank you,