Gluten free Christmas muffins. πŸŽ„ - Healthy Eating

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Gluten free Christmas muffins. πŸŽ„

β€’37 Replies

Hi everyone,

I made these muffins with mixed dried fruit with peel and substituted a little sugar for maple syrup for extra flavour and I had some brown icing sugar but not very much so only 5 are coated!

Here's the recipe, 170g SR gluten free flour 110g butter 90g brown sugar 1 table spoon maple syrup 2 large eggs 150g mixed dried fruit with peel 1 tea spoon mixed spice and 1 tea spoon baking powder whiz it all up and spread in a muffin tray and bake 170C for approx 15 mins.

I decided to use icing sugar to celebrate the vaccine roll out starting today as I feel at last we are coming to the end of the tunnel with the pandemic.

Enjoy your day folks its lovely and sunny here but icy cold. 🌈🌞

37 Replies

Them buns look really nice and again nicely risen and texture myself as you know Im cutting down on sugar and good idea to substitute when I do mine or did as not done for ages I find half the sugar on the recipe was sweet enough and were still experimenting like with raisens sultanas are very sweet and I said to mam why don't we not put hardly any sugar in next time and it worked, but there's nothing wrong in a treat and as you say your celebrating and I think I will say to mam we will have a celebration tea and will show her your lovely buns to enspire her it's been a long road the end is near 🌟

β€’ in reply to

Thank you Mandy I take that as a great compliment β€œthem buns” I don’t have weight issues and this doesn’t have lots of sugar in it. So yes a treat is nice sometimes and we deserve one being in a pandemic. And less than half got a little coat of icing sugar so more than half of them are healthy...πŸ˜‡

β€’ in reply to

Yes I know you don't have weight issues you said you don't absorb fat, it's sugar issue with us is if not burnt turns to chesterol, and I don't have much of sweet tooth I've been in loft putting plastic tub back from the trimmings and saw my paintings so I'm putting the rest on later if you fancy a peep, I'm just charging my phone and mam's making a stu and using some soup she made the other day as lots veg in it it smells lovely, I like icing on vanilla custard slice as the combination of the savoury pastry and custard and icing just kind of all blends in and somehow isn't too sweet, I'm sorry if ever at all I repeat some little things but it is as when messaged so many and when I'm tired I sometimes loose track I know I told you I don't like Xmas cake and peel I am feeling more positive about the virus there's just bit concern with my sister she unsure if can take it is allergic to medication she's talking to mam now, hope you see my paintings later 😁🌟

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

And of course coping with Bazzak's enough to tire anyone out😁My treat for today is to get my hair done- cut and coloured I'm just coming back on train.

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Hi I need to do my roots as about 3 inches I've got the box dye but as always it's a effort, have you recovered from the shock of him revealing himself then lol 😊

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

I think so. I bet that was his wedding photo he posted😁I don't dye my hair myself any more cos I couldn't do it without making a mess when my hands were very stiff lol It costs a lot more to go to the salon but it's my treat every few months.

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Yes my friend always says that, I've never been to hairdressers we me and mam cut each others as with it curly it doesn't matter if it's a mess lol and we help each other with the roots I went blonde as I got lot of whiteish on front and blends in better it's still real dark in parts on the back and it was real dark brown when I was younger my dad's was black really cmfight curly my mam went crazy when she met him as he was to her her ideal man as he was so funny and kind thoughtful and generous a tears just come, so I can't see lol, we got the lights and tree on and star in window crikie the tears are still coming I try to blank dad out when I get thoughts it was just as I was talking to you about how they met and imagining them meeting in pub, I have the compact powder case that my dad took off mam as excuse to see her again but he didn't need one gawd life's so strange, I've posted a painting and will do my tree and lights tomorror as I'm hoping to do a funny post but I will pop on if I do to have look but won't be on long if anything kicks off with it I'll let you know if I post hope you have s good night 🌟xx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

That's a lovely story about the compact I've got a photo of my dad when him and mum were courting as they called it back then. He was very good looking. Ive inherited his thick hair his was dark brown with red tones.Mums was straggly and mousey bless her. Mine was lighter brown but I've been dying it so long I haven't seen my natural colour for over 30 yrs lol I have it dyed red.

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

We love red hair mine went auburny red at one point and now it's kind of like pixies in parts lol as it goes a bit patchy when the lightener often doesn't go even but as it thick n curly it usually hides the discrepancies lol I have a photo of the night they met and upset that my sister got it to show her husband and I need to ask her for it as she's not that sentimental like me and me and dad were closer, I've posted a lucky star for us all as it inspired me I don't think I'll be posting any funnies tonight I'm so tired again but I may try do a quick one I think I between programmes as Tuesdays often crap so I'll let you know if I do I hope the star post isn't silly I just felt inspired when I gazed at it and wanted to share my optimism I think my dad's prescense was with me when I felt a overwhelming sense of optimism after I cried and again as I lay on the bed no chance of a nod of lol pixies playing up again so I hope to catch you bit later if your on hugs from us πŸŒŸπŸ†xx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

Of course it's not silly. I haven't had a look yet but will do. Having a break from BazBaiting isn't such a bad idea. The pace can get frantic😁. I'm shattered today going up to London so am going to just watch some stuff I've recorded. Have a good rest.xx

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Hey I just come on your on that keeps happening that often happens with my friend in real life we watsap same time and it's happened with some of my other friends on here unless we're all just addicted lol and is not a psychic link 🌟

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

I was thinking after hearing a tune in my mind I'd like toisten to some music holding back the years by simply red as I thought about my life how it's gone and I wish I didn't look and feel this old sometimes I know winters bad but I've not much energy lately I need to go on my s a d lamp for the light xx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

During the last few months I've really started to feel old. I think because I've not been going out much and haven't really been looking after myself. That's why I was so glad to get my hair done.

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Yeu me too and the make up thing I felt better for putting some on when I had house viewers and felt more normal but at least when I don't wear it in tenfort it makes me keep my scarfe on lol after bumping into a guy that is a good friend and if wernt married I think would of been a soul mate as I describe it as feeling a jel and comparability with someone and totally relaxed I've only ever had horrid boyfriends I'm looking for something more spiritual now 🌟I was on a date site a few years ago and I called my self Cinderella lol I'll have to tell Baz xx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

Oh dear telling Baz is asking for trouble😁I wore makeup today for the first time in goodness knows how long. I do still wear nail varnish though.Although I'm happily married I've always got on well with blokes- in fact one of my closest friends us a bloke I think it's because I've only got brothers and was a bit of a tomboy lol

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Me too I wish I had a brother and the guy in tenfort who did some plumbing for me it was like he was me he was born 2 days after a leo same sighn and we spoke at same time same stuff it was unreal the work lasted about a week and at first I didn't even fancy him I thought he bit thin and big nose lol but by the end of the week I did fancy him but just my luck married lol we often speak in park or street tenfort but hadn't seen him for a while and it was nice as I hadn't spoke to anyone really in ages other than mam or on here

β€’ in reply to

Oh apart from another guy down street on first day I had no make up luckily It was turning dark and I known him since 18 me and mam had spoke to him a few times during lockdown and gave me a lift to my job induction he's 61 and gave his taxi job up he has a girlfriend too I think I need a fairy god mother lol I'm not that bothered right now as of the virus I don't want to kiss anyone wearing a mask lol not sure how that would even work LOL😷

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

You would have laughed at me today. I bought a coffee to have on the train home if forgot I had to wear a mask and I was trying to drink it without taking my mask off . When I got home id got it all down the front of my coat lol

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Oh lol you won't believe what my mam kept doing in her Vasa she kept sneezing all over it and it was a right mess to say the least she kept doing it and there not easy to clean soon get grotty she's thinking of putting post out as she has a face reaction and inflamed spot patch on skin were mask goes but we have thich chemical ones xx

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Hey how strange is that I wanted a nice peaceful night and some music I ended up with royal variety performance on which don't usually and it's been really nice uplifting music and it's been real nice having a quiet girlie or old lady chat with you and I never intended to come back on lol I think I'm addicted 😊

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

I know the feeling. I think hubby gets fed up with me always on it.Ive been watching Midsummer Murders .I've seen em so many times but I can never remember who did it.Now watching classic Corrie. I think they're doing the tram crash one on Friday.Just thinking Mike Baldwin reminds me of someone. Cheeky cockney

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Lol I'm going to watch the music again on repeat and go to sleep to it Micheal ball was on, it's like the only quite time I have is early morning when I'm awake at 3 hence my post in the stillness of the night, and pixie and mam are asleep I can't concentrate on here when I'm been interrupted by mam and pixie talking of him tapping the phone I often get good idea for posts and need time to sit and compose I wake up and feel inspired with ideas and I'm foccusing on fun stuff now and making us all laugh and following in Baz footsteps lol he's really inspirational and a true comedian my dad was like him everyone loved my dad in the care home as I'll as he was he kept coming out with the funnies I'll get off now and hope we can have another quite chat soon and another bazzerk bazzak one tomorrow I deffo doing that post lol night night 🌟xx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

Night night to you too xx😴🌜🐰

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

I just edited the reply below I made a error and didn't make sense lol what's new 😁

san_ray70 profile image
san_ray70β€’ in reply toMadBunny

My mum and dad met when he saw her in a shop window, he was a soldier and said I am going to marry her. They were married for 49 years, dad died age 69 mum died age 95.

Hb2003 profile image

Hello jerry these muffins look delicious

β€’ in reply toHb2003

Thank you Hb2003 πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003β€’ in reply to

Your welcome

Hb2003 profile image

Jerry what is your type of muffin ? 😊 i love chocolate and blueberry muffins

β€’ in reply toHb2003

It’s a fruit one with lots of dried fruit. 😊

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003β€’ in reply to

Of course it is silly me πŸ˜‚

MadBunny profile image

They look yummy. Thanks for the recipe.

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Thank you MadBunny that’s very kind of you. 😊

Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

Your Festive Muffins look great!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe - I think I might be making some of those, sometime soon.

Zest :-)

β€’ in reply toZest

Thank you Zest as I’ve seen your lovely home made muffins. 😊

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministratorVegan star

These look great Jerry, they look lovely πŸ™ƒ

They've turned out very well Jerry, didn't know you could get brown icing sugar. What a good idea to substitute some sugar for maple syrup, I love that.

Yes we now have light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope you're having a good evening.

Alicia πŸ˜‹πŸ˜Šβ„πŸ‘

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