Books on the Gut Biome: Hi there I have just... - Healthy Eating

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Books on the Gut Biome

44 Replies

Hi there

I have just ordered 2 books and they are Psychobiotic Revolution and 10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness. The links to the books are below:

I am finding the human gut more and more interesting as it holds the key to many illnesses and there are some doctors, not many yet and not enough, that are looking into our guts more and more as a way to finding out why we have certain illnesses. A Therapist that I saw last year said to me that in 10 years time it will be the norm when treating patients for certain illnesses.

Just thought this might interest some of you.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

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44 Replies

Hi Alicia, this is really interesting, I like the sound of psychobiotics and it makes sense that if we eat the wrong foods it will mess up their chemical balance and this could easily affect the chemical signals sent to our brains.

I've said this before but you would like Jethro Kloss as he was a whole food pioneer a century ago who said that in the future hospitals would be full of people because of their diets and he was right and big time.

So thanks for posting this Alicia it was well with reading. 😊

in reply to

Yes it's very interesting Jerry and I can't wait to receive the books. Since the food poisoning I had I'm thinking more and more about the food I eat. Even after all this time I'm still having some problems. I've got a consultation next week to discuss results from a Gut Biome test I had.

How right Jethro Kloss was very knowledgeable and way before his time. 😀

in reply to

Good luck with your test results next week and I look forward to hearing more about these books. At the end of the day knowledge is empowering...😊

in reply to

Thank you Jerry, I'm looking forward to talking to them and seeing what my gut is made up of. Totally agree, knowledge is definitely empowering :)

Activity2004 profile image

Great posting! I have added the Book topic to the posting.😀👍

This is a great idea for one of the next books to read.

in reply to Activity2004

Thank you Activity2004 , I'm very interested in how how gut and What we put in it affects the rest of our bodies.

Thank you for putting this under book topic.😀

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

You’re welcome!😀👍

Zest profile image

Hi Alicia,

Glad you've found a couple of useful books, they do look interesting.

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Zest

Yes I'm glad I found these, can't wait to receive them.


Lulububs profile image


I am very much a believer in gut health....

I have been so ill most of my life, colds, flu, sinus infections, weak bones, dislocation of joints, mental health, ibs, bad periods... i mean the list goes on.

So anyway! About 3 years ago i ended up in A&E doubled up in pain with stomach pains, blood tests showed inflammation in body and was sent to a gastroentologist...

Luckily she was a gastro that very much believed in gut health and gut biome she suggested a allergist and a nutrionalists ( privately).

I went to these people they found out i had mild intolerances to dairy, yeast and major to gluten...

Also i had CANDIDA/SIBO through years of illnesses , eating food i was allergic to and antibiotics so we made a 3 month plan to get all my gut bacteria up and healthy.

So i have up gluten, sugar, dairy....

No drink apart from water or herbal teas or mint teas.

Take peppermint oil cap.


Digestive enzymes

And candida kiling tablets.

WOW within 6 weeks i was totally different!

I lost alot of bloat and access weight.

My ibs cleared up after 45 years.

My periods and illnesses just cleared up.

3 years on and i still maintain the diet.. i have a little chocolate now and again but other then that gluten and yeast is still out...

I also take the tablets still...

So yes i think ur gut health is majorly important... as in it will cure u of alot of ailments if u keep ur gut healthy ...

in reply to Lulububs

Oh wow Lulububs , thank you so much for your reply which I find so do helpful and it gives me hope and also faith, I know I'll cure myself.

I saw a Nutritionist in July and she said I had a high sensitivity to gluten, yeast, rye, barley and medium sensitivity to peas. I'm still not completely better so there's obviously something else.

You've now given me encouragement so thank you and I'm thrilled you are so well.😀

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to

Yes there is hope...

It takes alot of willpower and dedication as u have to admit to urself that alot of foods u are goin to have to give up but once u do u will certainly never look back.

I think bread was a big one for me, i noticed straight away when i gave that up how much better i felt.

Alcohol im ok now and again but not often and only white spirits ie vodka or gin.

Brocoli, onions, garlic and cauliflower have always been a no go for me to.

So it just about training urself not to eat them and replacing them.

I eat alot of turkey and chicken never red meats!! Digestive system cannot break down red meat.

My advice would b to try some really good probiotic tablets for the gut health. Some peppermint capsules and digestive enzymes they break down ur food to help digest but also give u a good bacteria.

There is alot u can learn about the health of ur stomach, keeping ur good gut bacteria alive and not letting the bad over grow and take over from the good which is when we get bloated, chubby, ibs problems, sick with colds and viruses.

I literally have not been ill or had a cold for 3 years!! I used to have one every couple of months...

in reply to Lulububs

Yes I do think there are other foods but I don't know which ones yet. J no longer have bread, yeast, peas but I know there must be more foods.

I'll get my results from a Gut Biome test j had soon so that'll be interesting.

Onwards and upwards.😀

CDreamer profile image

Hope you find the books interesting.

I have similar experience to Lulububs and go very interested in how the body works and disease begins some 40 years ago after developing Colitis. Much less was known back then but I learned very early that THE worst food was sugar - most people thought I was mad back then, including the doctors but I cut that out completely and things improved. I then cut out gluten and dairy completely for a year on the suggestion of my then GP who was very forward thinking and followed a very restrictive diet and the Colitis disappeared - this after years of heavy drugs and being advised I needed a colestonmy!

I started to read about body intelligence and how we adapt to the environment some 20 years ago, just about the time the Microbiome started to be researched. One of the first people I read was Bruce Lipton who at that time suggested that each cell of a human body had it’s own ‘brain’ and intelligence and responded to it’s environment - he was laughed at.

More recently I developed autonomic dysfunction and a heart arrythmia and autoimmune disease for which I have to take medication - which is about the time I got interested in Lifestyle Medicine and now help spread the word. Two local doctors - one a GP and the other a Rheumatologist began to practice Lifestyle Medicine locally about 2 years ago and together, along with another friend, we started a local to us Social Enterprise Group - which is about educating on how to use our innate body intelligence and follow the principles of the 4 Pillars of Health - No 1 - sleep, No2 - managing all stress because it causes inflammation, No3 - exercise and No 4 - Nutrition for optimum health.

Our doctors have a blog on their website - this is a link to their Gut Health blog

Anyone with any digestive problem may find this of interest. 2 weeks ago we held a talk on IBS which followed a talk on Gut - The Forgotten Organ - all about the Microbiome.

I am so relieved that this stuff is now becoming mainstream and not everyone thinks I am not some wacky witch for brewing my own kefirs, making sauerkraut and baking my own sour dough bread, follow intermittent fasting regimes and that I am not just being ‘picky’ or ‘a fussy eater’ when I eat out by not eating cake, biscuits and pasta.

Best wishes - CD

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to CDreamer


Merely supplemental free 🆓 resources (for Colitis folks) that precisely align with what you’ve noted, CDreamer:

[Exactly! It is a relief "this stuff is now becoming mainstream". You’re ". . . not some wacky witch 🧙‍♀️ for brewing my own kefirs, making sauerkraut and baking my own sour dough bread, follow intermittent fasting regimes and that I am not just being ‘picky’ or ‘a fussy eater’ . . . " (I can guaran-d@mn-tee you those folks (& medics) who pooh-poohed 🙄 , laughed 😆 , & even ridiculed 😤 🤬 your/ our practices are no longer laughing. 🥺 😢 😭 . . . These ‘unfunny’, progressively debilitating illnesses bring the hardiest 💪 of souls to their knees. 😩 😫 😵 . . . And, once un-doable/ irreversible damage is done, it’s much, much more difficult to right "a sinking ship" 🌊🛳 . . . For those of us who’ve made progress, all we can do is share what’s worked for us & hope 🤞🤞 others learn from our hard-learned experience. 😣💥🔨 ]


Thank you kindly for sharing what actually works, CDreamer. 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


in reply to CDreamer

Oh how very interesting CDreamer , you were way before your time and a very good thing as well.

I find your response incredibly interesting and I love the sound of the talk, I wish I had been there. Looks like we may live fairly close as I live in Devon and I see that the web addresses you have used above are Devon ones.

I'm going to keep your response so I can keep your reply for reference and for the web addresses so thank you.


Kai-- profile image


Yes, yes, & YES. 😃👍👍

Thank you so much for bringing this up, crazyfitness! 🙏 😌

. . . "… in 10 years time it will be the norm when treating patients for certain illnesses."



No truer words spoken. 🙏 😌

In meantime, so many of us can learn (from all the aforementioned resources) to help ourselves improve/ heal — particularly with the proliferation of Autoimmune (chronic/ lifetime/ lifestyle-related) illnesses. 👍👍


👉 Unpasteurised sauerkraut, kimchi, non-dairy kefir, miso, kombucha, tempeh, pre & probiotic foods (leafy greens, etc.) all help keep our "good" bacteria 🦠 🧫 flourishing. 👍👍


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Kai--


Additional/ supplemental freely 🆓 available resources (at our fingertips) for the seriously interested 🧐 or merely curious 🤔 :

. . . • Microbiome, Pooing, Toilet Humour:

. . . • 'Microbiome/ Gut Health Book List' from AARA:

. . . • . . . •


Richard Matthews (The Symbiont Factor: How the Gut Microbiome Redefines Health, Disease and Humanity: ) explains our gut microbiome/ brain axis connection (dysbiosis, quorum sensing, etc.) extraordinarily well:

. . . • How Gut Bacteria Influences Rheumatoid Arthritis:

. . . • The Brain as a Puppet: Gut Bacterial Control of Human Development and Behavior:

. . . • Why does Rheumatoid Arthritis improve during a woman’s period or when pregnant?:


☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


. . . So many resources . . . so little time . . . 😄 😁 ☺️


in reply to Kai--

Thank you so much Kai for mentioning the Paddison Programme. My granddaughter was diagnosed last year with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and she has the Uveitis one where it affects the eyes more than her joints. She is 3 years old and I am pleased to say she is in medicated remission.

I have sent the internet page to my daughter so she can look at it but I will also mention it to the doctor and nurse that have been looking after my granddaughter.

I've also got a friend where her 16 year old daughter is in immense pain every single day so I'm also going to share this with her.

Once again, thank you. :)

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


[Very welcome, crazyfitness. 🙏 😌]


F a n t a s t i c ! 👏👏 💐 . . . How wonderful is that!? 😃👍👍

Medicated remission allows us time (a ‘reprieve’ sorta speak) to implement additional lifestyle techniques to help us improve/ heal. 👍👍 . . . [Some — over time — can even gradually/ incrementally reduce meds (& their unpleasant ‘side-effects’) under our physician’s guidance. Some even eventually wean off meds entirely. 🤗 ]

JIA-er Katy has Uveitis 👁 👁 too ( ) throughout her young life & also shares her 2-year update ( ) since her last interview.


Oh . . . not to forget . . . there are other JIA youngsters, who may be of inspiration to your friend’s 16-year old daughter who’s in immense daily pain:

. . . • Marcel (& his mum Anna) 👩‍👦 :

. . . • Cole (& his mum Christine) 👩‍👦:

. . . • Alisa (& her mum Laura) 👩‍👧:

. . . • Joseph Encinia 👱‍♂️ : ,

. . . • Jenn 👱‍♀️: ,

[There’s so many tips/ insights (avoiding inflammatory/ trigger foods, doing hot/ Bikram yoga, etc.) to manage pain from these folks.]

Oh . . . and, there’s another mum, Kellthebell, with a JIA daughter 👩‍👧 ( ) who’s recently implementing Lifestyle/ Dietary (L/D) changes. 👍👍

Abundant real-life examples of JIA-ers (& their loved ones) living well & improving their QoL (Quality of Life) by implementing L/D changes along with judicious use of meds (and/or no longer requiring meds).

Congratulations & well done to your granddaughter (& the entire family), crazyfitness!! 👏👏 💐 Wishing her continued, long-lived remission. 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


in reply to Kai--

Oh wow Kai, what can I say but a huge huge thank you for all your help. I so appreciate you providing me the links to those other people that either have someone with JIA or have it themselves.

I am so glad I'm a member of this forum, it's amazing and its people like you that make it's such a good tool.


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


[Very welcome, crazyfitness, & thank you kindly. 🙏 😌 ]


There are plenty of folks managing well & some have even participated in HU (HealthUnlocked) forums to share their experience (andyswarbs , Shaun94 ( ).👍👍

It’s just a matter of us being able to ferret out 🕵️‍♀️🔎 these folks & connect 👉💥👈 with them.

Thankfully (blessedly 🛐 ) there are forums that allow us to peacefully ☮️ share what we’ve learned & to connect with other ’improving/ healing’ folks we’ve come to learn about via their documented (videos, podcasts, audios, written …) experiences.

Maybe, one day, your granddaughter (& your friend’s 16-year old daughter) 🤞🤞 will come to share their experiences too? 🤔 🤷‍♂️


There are wonderful, kind-hearted souls 👻 👻 willing to share what they’ve learned in the hope that other sufferers can improve/ heal. 👍👍 . . . All to often our kind-hearted 😌💓 , well-intentioned physicians 👩‍⚕️ / specialists 👨‍⚕️ * are at a loss as to HOW to guide us in the life-long, day-to-day practicalities of implementing Lifestyle/ Dietary (L/D) protocols.

[*Many medics simply haven’t the 1st-hand experience with (or knowledge of) specific L/D protocols. Typically, those L/D protocols aren’t part of their training (area of ‘expertise’). Hopefully 🙏 , that’ll change in time. Historically(?), medics are trained to guide us (as best they can) with their extensive knowledge of ‘medications’ 💊 💉 — med-focused treatments, physical therapies, surgeries, etc.. Hopefully 🤞🤞 , soon the new generation of medics 👨‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️ (currently in training) will have a far more expansive view of the role of L/D (in influencing gut microbiome/ autoimmune illnesses) along with their ‘medications’ training.]


Until that time (when medical institutions 🏥 attitudes/ beliefs shift to understand & accept the reality of what L/D can do), we have to spread the word amongst ourselves. 🗣💬 . . . 🗣💬 . . . We help each other. We understand the depth/ degree of unconscionable suffering amongst ‘our comrades in debilitating pain’ & don’t want anyone to go through it — especially youngsters who’ve decades upon decades of life yet to live** in the shadow of progressive autoimmune illness(es).😳

[**School, relationships, families, child-bearing & caring, careers … are hit hard (often prematurely derailed) when painful, debilitating illness overrides every aspect of life. Intolerable suffering takes a gruesome toll — ruining once promising lives, ruining QoL (Quality of Life). Merely looking around (poking around ‘social media’), you’ll see enough devastated, miserable, embittered, diminished, discouraged lives that too many long-time sufferers have lived — all too frequently thinly veiled (understandably so) behind a facade of ‘good cheer’ 🎭 . . . Some even no longer keep up a pretence of ‘good cheer’ & express unabashed anger 😠, hostility 😡 , rage 🤬 . . . toward anyone who dare broach the possibility of L/D (microbiome) as being of positive influence. 🤯 🤦‍♀️ . . . They "cut off their nose to spite their face" & unendingly "poison the well" of realistic hope toward any newbie (newly diagnosed) or the merely L/D-curious. (They unwittingly(?) discourage & set the tone (& course) for failure amongst the curious & hopeful who naively chose to follow their misguided lead.) For anyone of any age who’ve a willingness, desire, & stick-to-it-tive-ness to ‘try & try again’, they’ve a "fighting chance" 💥🥊🥊 to slow down (& even halt 🛑 ?) the progression of autoimmune disease. But, if a newbies curiosity/ enthusiasm is continually/ persistently discouraged, dissuaded, quashed — they can be foolishly ‘lead astray’ by well-meaning/ well-intentioned (yet ignorant/ misguided) folks who’ve suffered terribly & had miserable ‘existences’. (Unwittingly following & believing ‘misinformation’ can be a sad ‘death knell’ 🔔 ⚰️ (sort of speak) to a flourishing 💐 life. They can end up repeating/ re-living the pattern of misery of those who proclaim (nay insist) "diet has nothing to do with my disease!" & "my doctor said so!" . . Merely looking at these discourage people’s lives, one observes mere ‘survival’/ ‘existence’ 😵 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ — not ‘thriving’/ fully ‘living’ 🤗 💃🕺.]

This is NOT the unfolding of a life anyone wishes to see for a fellow human being — no matter the age of disease onset (young, old, or any age in-between). Physical (& mental) health is all too often profoundly affected & unpleasantly ‘bubbles up’ to the surface. 😔


Best advice I’m aware of:

. . . Follow those who are actually doing well & LEARN from their experience. And, in time, if ever one is comfortable enough: ‘pass the word along’. You just don’t know who or how many people are going to live a better life, just because they followed a link 🔗 . . . .👍👍 . . . 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


in reply to Kai--

Thank you once again, so so helpful.

Forums like these are so helpful, it's each of us helping each other.

My CBT Therapist I saw last year/this year said to me that in 10 years' time doctors will be looking at the natural route to cure people and will be doing this by studying patients' gut biome as a way of healing them.

I'm definitely going down the diet route now and can't wait to get my results from the Gut Biome test I had, it'll be very interesting. If I hadn't if had food poisoning back in November I probably wouldn't even be thinking of looking so much into the Gut Biome.

Here's to a very happy and healthy future to us all.😀😎

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


A silver lining ⛅️ to a ‘cloud of misfortune’ ⛈ with the November food poisoning ☠️ 🤢 . . . 👍👍

[Funny how things work out sometimes 😳 🤦‍♂️ — something awful 🤮 pointing us in a life-altering 🤗 direction. 😯 ]


You’re blessed 🙏 to have an open-minded 🧠 CBT Therapist, crazyfitness — with both feet 🦶🦶 in the 21st Century. Wonderful how they understand the significance of Gut Biome & ‘natural’ approaches to healing. 👍👍 . . . (How lucky 🍀 is that?! 😃 )

Best wishes for good test results 📊 & an easy/ swift 🏃‍♀️ resolution to issues. 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


in reply to Kai--

Oh most definitely, I couldn't agree more. There have been times when I've cursed buying a veg pot with rice, never again and its put me off rice, don't want to go near the stuff. 😛 I'll have to look further for Wild Rice as the last time I looked it was mega expensive, the supermarkets add Basmati to it.🥘

Yes the Therapist I saw had a very open mind, mind you when you think of it CBT is a natural way of healing even if it is the brain.

Thank you and I'm so looking forward to my results.😀

in reply to Kai--

Thank you Kai, much appreciated.

I have made Sauerkraut but need to have another go, it was disgusting ha ha. I have been drinking Kombucha and really do enjoy it but need to make my own, it will be much cheaper.

I have also found your reply really helpful so thank you. :)

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to

We did a workshop on it last May - great success! It was delicious.

This is the blog of our Speaker

We used a very simple recipe just using white cabbage, salt and dill but I've made this recipe - it was SO delicious

The secret of good Saurkraut - we learned on the workshop - is to massage the salt into the finely shredded cabbage until you get a lot of fluid (brine) in the bottom of the bowl; when you pack into jars weigh it down and check it every day; reaches it's best after 4 weeks.

in reply to CDreamer

Thank you so much for your reply, I will follow what you have said above and make some.

The one I made was from the Clever Guts Diet book by Dr Michael Mosley and it tasted very salty do I didn't like it. I'll get the kilner jar going again😀


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


[Very welcome, crazyfitness. 🙏 😌]

😂 😂 😂 Think we’ve all made our fair share of ‘disgusting’ sauerkraut . . . 😝 😆 🤣 . (All part of the learning curve 〰️ along the way.)

Have found if we saved the excess liquid (brine) from previous sauerkraut batches, stored it in fridge, & then added the brine to the new batch of sauerkraut, we’d have a pretty good ‘starter’ (sorta speak).

Yes, avoiding the slip of sprinkling a bit too much salt🧂 is an excellent tip. 👍👍

We squish (‘massage’ 💆‍♂️ ) in our hands ✋🤚 the finely chopped cabbage (red 🔴 & green 🥬 ) in a GIANT bowl 🥣 — along with the ‘old brine’ & a bit of salt. Then, let the giant bowl of salted/ massaged sliced cabbage sit in its giant covered bowl for a time.

After the huge mound of cabbage wilts down, we push down (tamp down) spoonfuls of wilted cabbage into kilner/ mason jars ( , , , ) until it’s firmly packed down.

Depending upon the ambient temperature 🌡 of the room your ‘fermenting’ jars are in — & depending how ‘tangy’ you like your sauerkraut — a week or 2 🗓 can begin to produce results. You can ferment as long as you like to suit your tastebuds 👅 .

Oh, while the jars are fermenting, we ensure they’re on a tray (or in a container) to catch the fermenting liquid that inevitably oozes 💦 out of the tightly sealed jars. The deep purple liquid is beautiful, you just mayn’t want it seeping out (staining) the surface on which the fermenting jars sit. 😳 😯 🤦‍♀️

We scoop the completed/ fermented sauerkraut into smaller jars & store them in the fridge (where the fermenting process slows down/ halts? 🤔 ). They keep in the fridge for a long time.


[There’s so many videos demonstrating "How to Make Sauerkraut" ( ), couldn’t believe the variations in methods/ techniques, recipes, ‘equipment’, etc.. 😯 (The simple method I’d learned is so ‘low-tech’ (embarrassingly unsophisticated 😳 ), it’s comical, yet effective.]


Aside: As your family, friends, loved ones taste your homemade sauerkraut, you may be surprised at the enthusiasm 🤗 — & even requests — you’ll receive for a jar or 2. 😯 . . . The increasing number of cabbages 🥬 🥬 🥬 🥬 🥬 you’ll need to acquire, as well as the increasing size of the mixing bowl 🥣 you’ll need to use, & the increasing amount of time ⏱ 🕰 ⏰ you’ll need to create your tasty, fermented batches can grow 😯 — exponentially — once word gets out. 🤯 😁 [Who’d a thunk simple, homemade sauerkraut would be so popular?! 🤣 . . . Anyhoo, happy (& fun) to spread ‘good bacteria’ 🦠 🦠 🦠 all over the place. . . . 😄👍👍]


in reply to Kai--

Thank you so much Kai for the links and instructions. The method I followed told you to leave the lid open and covered with a dishcloth and not to seal. What you have saud makes sense.

I love all the emojis you use, it makes it fun. It'll be mainstream soon seeing cafes and restaurants serving things like Kefir and Saurkraut.

I'm quite e cited about what's on the horizon i.e. less medication and more natural remedies.😁☺

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


👍👍 . . . 🤞🤞 . . . ☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


in reply to Kai--


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


Agreed. Store bought (unpasteurised) Kombucha — delicious 😋 as it is — is pricey 💰— even ‘on sale’/ discounted 😯 . . . (A few bottles add up. 🤯 🤦‍♂️ ) . . . Homemade is far more economical. 👍👍

It’s another delicious 😋, fun, fermenting project.

Learned from Richard Matthews "Kombucha: Fun with SCOBY! A pictorial how-to about a probiotic fermented tea" ( , ) & have had good luck following his pictorial instructions 📝 .

(Ridiculously delicious &, once again, endless variety of flavours, recipes, techniques ( ) to experiment 👩‍🔬 ⚗️ 🧪 with.

[Just be aware . . . you can run out of (human) living space once the fermenting kombucha and sauerkraut vessels begin to proliferate (& encroach upon) every nook & cranny of your home . . . 😂 😂 😂 . . . (There’ll be more bacteria 🦠 🦠 🦠 living in your house 🏡 than humans 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 !! . . . 😯 🤭 😄 ]

Best wishes in your ‘home laboratory’ 🧫 , crazyfitness! Kindly let us know how you make out. ☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


in reply to Kai--

Thank you Kai.

Well that'll be Saurkraut, Kombucha and Sourdough bread taking up plenty of room on the kitchen side🤣🤣.

I'm looking forward to getting started. Who knows, when my hubby sees how much my health has improved he'll give up his rubbish diet and eat more healthily but of course 'Rome wasn't built in a day' lol 😂😂

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


Laughing 😄 😁 😂 . . . Picturing you surrounded (floor to ceiling) by bowls of fermenting Sauerkraut 🥣 🥣 🥣 , vats of brewing Kombucha 🛢 🛢 🛢, & baskets of leavening Sourdough loaves 🧺 🥖 🍞 . . . 😂 🤣 🙃

No room for anything else! 🤭


in reply to Kai--

Well that sounds like heaven, well maybe not with lack of space.🤣🤣

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


Hang onto your hat 👒 🎩 . . . you’ll die laughing . . .

My staunch, stick-in-the-mud, die-hard meat 🥩 🥓 🍖🍗 , cheese 🧀 🍔 🍕 , egg 🥚 🍳 , potatoes 🍟 🍟 🍟 beloved . . . ever so gradually started migrating toward eating what I ate (especially after witnessing what it had done for me). 😳

Nope, no cajoling, no begging . . . just gradual self-awakening 😴 💤 😳 & curiosity to try something different.

Gobsmacked! 🤭 (Nope, wouldn’t have believe it if I hadn’t seen it 😳. . . . never in a million years . . . )

Living "by example" spoke louder than any words 💬 💬 💬 I could ever utter. Beloved’s improving blood pressure 📉 (& other physical/ medical indicators 📊 📈 ) — as well as feeling better — was enough encouragement in itself. 👍👍 ]

Can only quietly smile ☺️ (& titter 😁 😆 ) at the gradual shift in old, ingrained, routine habits that have taken place.


. . . "Rome 🏟 wasn’t built in a day 📆 "

. . . & your quiet patience, gentle perseverance, & just being a "living example" may eventually sway (inspire ✨ ) your beloved 💑 💏 — over time 🕰 📆 🗓 .


"Old dogs 🐕 can learn new tricks 🤹‍♂️ " . . .

. . . especially if they’re motivated

. . . and delicious, tasty foods 🌯 are left laying about the house (counter tops, kitchen table, coffee table, fridge. . . ) — quick & easily accessible.

Pre-washed, pre-cut 🍏 🍎 🍐 🍊 🍌 🍉 🍇 🍓 🍈 🍒 🍑 🥭 🍍 🥝 🥒 . . . pre-cooked 🍛 🍚 🥦 🥕 🌽. 🥔🍠 . . . pre-prepared 🥗 🥙 🌮 snacks & meals that require nothing "to do", instantly ready, no waiting — merely grab’n go off counter top/ table-top, out of fridge, microwave, toaster oven … 👍👍

Whatever makes their life easier (& your life easier) increases the probability they’ll gobble it up (in the blink of an eye 👁 ). . . 👍👍

Before you know it, they’ll have eaten enough of the ‘healthy’, easy-access food — they’ll have by-passed the overwhelming urge/ desire for any typical, quickie, ‘junk-food’ foods/ meals 🍔 🌭 🍟 🥤 🥡 🍩 🍬 …

[Lot’s of subtle little tricks, to keep junk-food junkie’s hunger pangs at bay — by swiftly slipping ‘em some tasty (‘healthy’) treats to fill their bellies 🤰 . . . 😂 🤣 🙃 . . . Just never utter the words "it’s healthy" (or "it’s good for you") if you want to avoid eye-rolls 🙄 ‘n sighs 😤 ) . . . They never need know what’s in the food; it just needs to taste good 😋 . . . 😁 ]

Over time, their tastebuds 👅 change (as ‘good’ gut microbes/ bacteria 🦠 gain quorum/ majority 🦠🦠🦠 ), so they eventually develop a food-taste preference toward what your eating. (Strange, I know 😯 . Yet, true. ⚖️ ) Salted 🧂 snacks become "too salty" 😝 ; sweetened/ sugary drinks 🥤 / foods 🍩 🍰 🍭 , become "too sugary sweet" 😝 . . . A gradual (& surprising transition) over time. In a few years, you may well be stunned 😮 at the change that has taken place. 🤯

Just hang onto your hat 👒 🎩 !

. . . Wait ⏳ ⌛️ , watch 👀 , & see 😳 . . . the evolution ♻️ that takes place before your very eyes 👁 👁 . . .


in reply to Kai--

Absolutely love your response what an amazing sense of humour you have😉.

I'm not holding my breath yet as our topical conversation can be, eurgh what's that, my response is 'it tastes delicious', he'll say 'don't like the look of it', my response 'how can you say that when you haven't tasted it'.

He's cut down on chocolate/Sweet stuff and is definitely doing a lot more exercise so a score in that area for sure.🚶‍♂️

As they say 'slowly slowly catch a monkey'.😉

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


Love it, 💗 it!!

. . . Slowly 🐢 , s l o w l y 🐌 catching your beloved monkey . . . 🐒 👐🚶‍♀️. .


Remember, there’s always a "plan 🅱️" ( ) for truly incalcitrant 🐵s. . . . 😯 😁 [An ole-fashioned solution 🍷☠️ to modern-day intractable problems ( ) 🤔 ?] . . . 😯 😂 🤭 🤦‍♀️

[Just kidding, j u s t kidding. ☺️ ]

🙈 🙉 🙊


🤐 🤣 🤪


[Some of us just take a bit longer & learn the hard way 😣🔧 . . . or the very hard way 😖🔨 . . . 🥴🔨 . . . 😵⛏ . . . ] 🤕 🙃


in reply to Kai--

Most definitely a step in the right direction🚶‍♂️. It's no longer 'let's have so and so for dinner' but 'what are you having for dinner, you'd better take something out of the freezer for yourself. I'll have the plant based and he can continue his way for now. If he starts cutting down on meat I know I'll be getting there.

He also likes the sweet stuff, now if part of the doctors' role was to talk about nutrition to patients then he'd listen, he doesn't believe anything he reads. It never bothered me when I ate in a similar way to him but now it's different.

He's certainly I'll be stubborn🤔 and learn the hard way.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to


I hear ya, I hear ya 👂👂, crazyfitness. 👍👍

The power (influence) of the Doctor’s word 👨‍⚕️💬 can ‘make or break’ a life. 🤦‍♀️

(Or, at the very least, unwittingly/ unintentionally steer it in the wrong direction (for a time). 🤦‍♂️ 😔 )

If your ‘stubborn one’ 🤵 is struggling with ’food addiction’/ sweets (by any chance?) DOCTOR. (Ph.D.) Douglas J. Lisle ( ), may be able to help him become aware of 😳 💡 & maybe even ‘get over the hump’ 〰️ of "The Pleasure Trap" ( )? 🤔

No reading 📖 necessary. ☺️ Merely sit back 🛋 & enjoy watching 💻 Dr. Lisle’s explanation (via video) can be entertaining (& eye-opening 👁 👁 ) enough, it sometimes breaks through the thickest of skulls 💀💥⛏. . . 🤯 . . . 🤗

Good luck 🍀! . . . Hang in there, crazyfitness. 👍👍



😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


in reply to Kai--

Ooh, thank you very much for the links, I'll have a look at those first👍

Foxyhole profile image
FoxyholeHigh Risk

Thanks for sharing

in reply to Foxyhole

You are welcome 😀

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