Healthy Stomach Settlers?: Do you have a... - Healthy Eating

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Healthy Stomach Settlers?

Cooper27 profile image
30 Replies

Do you have a natural remedy for an upset stomach? If you do, what is it, and what specifically does it help with?

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Cooper27 profile image
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30 Replies

Hi Cooper, peppermint tea is really good for soothing the stomach and I drink it for that:

And camomile tea is also very good for an upset stomach:

I hope that you feel better if it's for you. 😊

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to

Yes, peppermint tea is great :) I've been told to only have it for trapped wind though!

Unfortunately I ate a little too much lime pickle :D but it has got me thinking, stomach cures isn't something I've seen mentioned before!

alchemilla12 profile image
alchemilla12 in reply to Cooper27

dont want to sound rude when you say stomach is that what you mean ( I used to be a herbalist and often found when people said they had stomach problems or pain they actually meant bowel or even gall bladder ! )

if it is your stomach and just needs soothing then slippery elm , liquorice and banana powders mixed into a non dairy smoothie can be very helpful ,but if you're digestion is a bit sluggish then ginger would be good and anything that tastes bitter if you can tolerate it to stimulate digestive juices and enzymes

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to alchemilla12

I'm pretty sure it's my stomach that's upset in this case, but you're right, it can be the digestive tract in general that people refer to.

That's great to know for the remedies :)

Cooper27 profile image

Oh interesting! Probably explains why our tendency is to eat less, because it'll be natural instinct to starve the problem!

Penel profile image

I find peppermint tea a little harsh, so tend to have a slice of ginger root in some hot water.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Penel

Ginger always crops up for settling the stomach :)

I've been fermenting ginger to make my own ginger ale, I'm looking forward to trying it! It's meant to be great for the stomach :)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Cooper27

I was going to mention ginger as well. I usually get the ‘Three ginger’ tea bags by Pukka.

Ginger is good for a few other things as well, if you have a chesty cough ginger is great for that and if you add echinacea to the ginger in a tea it can help keep the bugs away. I call it a natural flu jab.

I don’t get flu jabs no more cos they have mercury in them. Mercury is a neurotoxin.

Going back to ginger, I’m sure I read somewhere that it can prevent cancer as well.

Kathush profile image

I always keep candy canes leftover from Christmas for my tummy troubles. I dont know if its "healthy" but it helps me tremendously.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Kathush

Do they have peppermint in them? That might be what's helping?

I know what you mean though, sometimes you need comfort more than you need a salad ;)

Kathush profile image
Kathush in reply to Cooper27

Yes, they have peppermint oil in them. Good stuff. :)

Want2BHappy3 profile image

I was told I had inflammation of the stomach. Sorry to say I don't believe anything Natural works. I've tried many of them. The only thing that has worked for my situation was Prilosec. It's been so bad that I tried to pull my hair cause I can't sleep. I spoke to my pharmacist she said that my diabetic Medication was causing my information. I bought a book on autoimmune disease, haven't read it yet. It's about inflammation pain

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Want2BHappy3

Oh that sounds horrible! I've taken medication that hurt my stomach before, and it's not nice.

I have an autoimmune disease (thyroid) and it got a lot better when I followed an anti-inflammatory diet (the autoimmune protocol).

It's pretty common for autoimmune diseases to cause low stomach acid, and this might be worth looking into. If your stomach acid is low, it might be allowing your pills to cause more irritation?

I hope you feel a bit of relief soon!

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Cooper27

Thanks, the book is a anti-inflammatory diet. I read on the internet things that you should and should not eat. I have done that too, No help there. Like I said the Prilosec was the thing that helped. I couldn't take it anymore. I was told that I had No choice but to continue my diabetic Medication. I'm trying to lose weight, I think that Will help. I rub on my stomach feeling like I'm pregnant? My anxiety is holding me back.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Want2BHappy3

Are you type 2 or type 1?

The approach I took was to first cut out the most common inflammatory foods - gluten, dairy, soya, sugar and caffeine. After 4 weeks of that, I cut out beans (legumes), grains, lentils, and refined oils (just use olive oil, coconut oil or lards). The final phase cuts out nuts, seeds and nightshades, but you might find enough improvement in phase 1 or 2 to means you can stop before that point.

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Cooper27

Type 2, Gosh what's left to eat? Seems like your just living on air? I read that nuts are good for inflammation. What is nightshades?

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Want2BHappy3

Nightshades are potatoes, peppers, chillies and tomatoes. So yup, you're not left with much to eat! Select vegetables, meat, coconut and fat!

To be honest, I kept nightshades in, because it was too restrictive otherwise. But it's intended to be a short term diet, only 6 weeks at the most restrictive phase, before you can bring some food groups back in.

For me the restrictiveness was worth it, because I brought my autoimmune condition under control again. Like I saw, start with the first step though - you might find you feel so good, you can stop there!

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Cooper27

Have you researched the internet? Stress is part of the problem. Eat unprocessed foods, eat plenty of fiber foods. Many of the things you have cut out says that you can eat? Maybe your dealing with something different than what I am?

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Want2BHappy3

Don't worry, I did my research, and worked with a nutritionist :) the AIP diet is quite well known for autoimmune conditions, but if it is too much for you, you can look at alternatives.

It had lots of fibre, nothing processed at all (except tinned coconut milk), the draw back is it is quite restrictive (only intended for the short term though, so I was ok with that).

I did spend a few of the weeks in a de-stress phase too, making sure to get extra sleep, no intense exercise, relaxing activities etc. That was the best phase :)

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Cooper27

Good luck with the diet. I'm going to make a tomato based soup with vegetables. I have a HUGE stomach that I'd like to get rid of, it would solve a lot medical issues. Just that soups don't really feel me up.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Want2BHappy3

It's ok, I finished the diet last year, I don't follow it anymore (like I say, it's a short term thing).

Soups can be hit and miss, I find things like sweet potatoes and coconut milk make soups more filling, if that helps :)

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Cooper27

Oh, so how are you feeling now? I'm not much of a sweet potato or coconut milk kind of person. Found some recipes for inflammation Thanks

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Want2BHappy3

For me it's been like night and day. My issue was a thyroid one, so it will be different, but I had memory problems, couldn't lose weight (not for lack of trying), I was so tired, I was getting sick regularly and I developed IBS. I lost 4 stone in about 6 months (I'd previously only lost about 6lbs over 6 months following a calorie restricted diet, but that's thyroid for you!). I have so much more energy now! No major gut symptoms anymore either :)

I know AIP has been really helpful for lots of autoimmune conditions, which is why I mention it when I can :)

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Cooper27

What is AIP? I'm not exactly sure what I have? The doctor said it was stomach inflammation? I lost 40 pounds but it was because of my anxiety. I've since gained it back and more. Doctor said it was the new Medication? I feel pregnant, I'm 64.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27Administrator in reply to Want2BHappy3

Hmm, that's interesting.

AIP is just short for the autoimmune protocol, which is an anti-inflammatory diet.

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to Cooper27

Thanks, I went to the store today bought vegetables to make a detox soup recipe that I found. I'll start Monday. I was going to the gym a couple of times a week to swim. That pass expired, wanted to join, but it was going to cost over $200. Found out I'll be getting medicare and it might pay for a membership? So in the meantime I'll go to the senior excercise classes till then.

alchemilla12 profile image
alchemilla12 in reply to Want2BHappy3

"Sorry to say I don't believe anything Natural works." : I think that's a bit sweeping! maybe nothing you tried worked because it wasnt the right thing for you. I used to be a herbalist and can assure you that if the right herbs for that person are chosen then they work :)

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to alchemilla12

That's been my experience, I have a friend thats also a Herbalist. I tried things that she's recommend. Nothing worked. A mutual friend of ours was trying it, she had cancer, she still died. It was Too late with a doctor. I even gave it to my daughter n grandson... Nothing has worked. You mentioned that you USED to be A herbalist?

alchemilla12 profile image
alchemilla12 in reply to Want2BHappy3

yes I'm retired

colo60 profile image

Proper oats made with water pinch of salt, eat warm, I dont mean put a coat on 😊

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