My Mum's ordering a takeaway tomorrow and i'm panicking about what to have. I can't say no or hide that i've eaten it as my Mum will get angry. How many calories are in the average takeaway meals (pizza, calzones, kebabs, burgers - inc veggie burger)?
Healthy takeaways? : My Mum's ordering a... - Healthy Eating
Healthy takeaways?

Not sure if this will help but take a look anyway
Panicking about food you may have to eat tomorrow doesn't sound like a great place to be. I hope you and your mum can reach a compromise about what kind of takeaway you could manage without become anxious and feeling the need to pretend. Very best wishes
Hi Lucy, if you were ordering Indian food, you could have some dry meat such as chicken or lamb tikka and have it with salad and a squeeze of lemon over it.. Try not to worry, whatever you have, don't have a large portion - pizza etc can do another meal e.g. cold lunch the following day..
Try not to worry about one meal Lucy. In the scheme of things it won't make much difference. Just go back to a healthy eating plan after that particular meal. If you are able ask for a side salad and eat that first and then any meat and cut down on the starchy food like bread it rice. Chew slowly and you will eat less. Have fun and enjoy the company rather than worrying !
Thanks but i've just found out this morning I've gained weight :/
hello there its not really healthy eating that sort of food any take way isnt good people need to wise up what they use in take aways id rather you both did a healthy meal that you cook your self at least you know whats gone in the food and that its not fattning as you know what food your makin isnt fattning and is good for you i eat a lot of chicken & turkey when i can get it as its more healthier than eating any red meat which has high cholesterol all red meats are very bad for the heart as i suffer heart & lung condition so I have to be careful what I eat these days boiled potatoes are good aswell roast pototoes are fatting because of the fat its cooking in hope this helps you but go online check foods out that are good for you & your mom Angie
Depending on what kind fo food there are good or better choices to be made - pizza / kebab have a chicken Kebab and Salad, Indians have a mixed grill with Salad, Chinese is best if you stick more to the darker sauces like Black bean or satay and have plain chicken and plain boiled rice! Only eat until youa re full and eat slower and consciously so you don't stuff your self, or ask mum to help you and share a meal!

Hi Lucy, just wondering why your mum would be angry with you for not wanting a takeaway, are you not able to say to her you'd rather have something equally tasty but healthier, maybe offer to cook it? I find it a little concerning that she would be angry about that. Best wishes x
She wouldn't get properly angry but last time I didn't finish my pizza and yelled at me to finish it as 'she paid for it'. I actually have an eating disorder and she knows i'm not eating properly so she'd get upset and make me eat. It's hard to explain
I did wonder if that was why. So as the others said just pick a relatively healthy choice from whichever takeaway it is, it sounds as though you should be looking at good quality food rather than number of calories, or maybe your mum would feel happier with not having a takeaway if she saw you had something nutritious planned and you eat a normal size portion. Good luck 😀
If you can discipline yourself... if you eat a lot during lunch make sure you will have a light meal dinner.
When I have a kebab I have chicken kebab with salad x