Cannabis: Hi folks, If I were to say... - Healthy Eating

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Matt2584 profile image
24 Replies

Hi folks,

If I were to say “Cannabis can cure cancer” I would most likely get laughed at and ridiculed.

CBD oil is on the rise and CBD may be good stuff but it is the THC the performs miracles.

This article may explain it a bit better.

Includes video of interview between cancer patient and Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby.

Cancer patient Joy Smith demands cannabis to be legalised.

As I have said before, cannabis should have never ever been made illegal.

Alcohol causes more problems than cannabis. Smoking causes more problems than cannabis.

Cannabis was made illegal so a lot of people/corporations can make lots and lots of money.

That’s right. THEY get filthy rich while you become sick.

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Matt2584 profile image
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24 Replies
Activity2004 profile image

Very interesting article! Thank you for sharing it with us. :-)

Hi Matt, this is interesting because I have been listening to the argument for cannabis to be used as medicine for epilepsy recently. 😊

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Most Neurologists don’t usually prescribe the cannabis to be used as an anticonvulsant. They usually put a patient on Tegretol or the generic brand for Epilepsy.😀

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Activity2004

And do you know why doctors prescribe their patients Tegretol or any other generic brand?

Because they know it won’t do much good.

I don’t trust doctors now.

Cannabis, to my knowledge is an all rounder.

Why is it illegal in most places, cos the pharmaceutical industry can make more money without it.

Can’t make no money from a well patient.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Matt2584

For most people that have Epilepsy, their brain chemistry may not be okay with the cannabis, so the doctor prescribes Tegretol (the non-generic). Any changes can be dangerous when it comes to generic to non-generic and the other way.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Activity2004

I can’t really answer to what you said about people with epilepsy may not be ok with cannabis is wrong because I don’t know for sure, but according to some reads human beings have cannabis receptors in the brain meaning cannabis was made for us.

Riddlemethis profile image
Riddlemethis in reply to Matt2584

Very true 👍🏻

Riddlemethis profile image
Riddlemethis in reply to Matt2584

Yes it’s all about the money I agree Matt, maybe in the future we could have cannabis instead of taking a 8 or 9 meds a day etc , I research cannabis a lot for medical ailments and life long diseases and guess what yes it works , these people that it’s helped or saved their life even from cancer do not lie , agreed on the thc it is a miracle , I’ve been sayin this for years but unfortunately people are mostly ignorant and think I talk crap , stigma is attached to it because it’s not legal so it’s listed as criminal , pharmaceutical company’s sell opiates and etc, the list goes on , cannabis is mother nature’s cure for many things , I researched a guy last year he had 3 months to live due to bowel cancer , he made his own cannabis oil and hey presto it saved his life . And many more it’s saved too . I’m all for legalisation 👍🏻 but the company’s and the government will always think about the money , greed over health does not bode well for me. x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Riddlemethis

I’m with you on that one, greed over health does not bode well with me either.

There are a few quotes that I like,

“The love for money is the root of all evil”


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

There are other quotes I like to but those 2 stick out to me.

Just thought of another,

“Knowledge is power”

And the more people that know how miraculous cannabis can be, the better.

Riddlemethis profile image
Riddlemethis in reply to Matt2584

Hi Matt , I’m with you on your quotes , there’s that saying you can’t take it with you when your dead , so why make your life all about it ,I’d rather have the mindset for health than paper with numbers printed on it ,a lot of people don’t realise our own government has been growing cannabis for over 20 years to my knowledge , and were does it go , exported to other countries, Amsterdam intakes a lot of cannabis from England , it’s crazy that it’s illegal here but you can legally get intoxicated with alcohol which in turn causes more problems, health issues and deaths , costs the Nhs , police etc billions , this country needs to follow suit , Colorado saw the sense in legalisation years ago and the profits they made was put back into hospitals , policing , education etc , it-cut down crime and people are healthier . Maybe one day England will see sense but I don’t think it will happen in my life time unfortunately , ignorance is not bliss x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Riddlemethis

No, ignorance is not bliss at all. Only an idiot would say it is bliss.

I used to be idiot, not any more though... I woke up :).

If you are ill with a cold, cough... whatever, wouldn’t you want to get rid of it as soon as you could and as cheap as you could, even free?

You have an important date coming up but a few days before that date you become ill.

Oh no, date’s ruined, can’t go now cos I rely on pharmaceutical medication which usually takes weeks to “work” or would you rather rewind that and instead treat yourself with fruit or veg and be able to go to this important date?

I know what I would choose.

That does not surprise me about the government growing and selling cannabis to another country.

Our country legalising cannabis won’t happen in my lifetime either. Either it won’t happen at all or I will be well old.

What makes the government and other authorities perform evil, psychotic acts such as keeping cannabis locked away from the public?

I have read things here and there about them resorting to satanism.

Riddlemethis profile image
Riddlemethis in reply to Matt2584

The truth is that Britain has a thriving ‘legal’ cannabis industry, which exists alongside the black market. It uses Home Office permissions, as well as some legal loopholes, to generate hundreds of millions of pounds in revenue each year — with full support from the British government, which takes a cut from the proceeds. Last year, a UN report revealed that the success of this venture had made Britain the biggest producer and exporter of legal cannabis in the world.

So when did it all begin? In 1998 a British biotech company called GW Pharmaceuticals was approved by the Home Office to conduct clinical trials on using weed to help patients living with the most serious types of Multiple Sclerosis. For the first time, the British press began to talk about so-called ‘medical marijuana’.

In the 20 years since then, GW Pharmaceuticals has developed two of the world’s most successful cannabis-based drugs, including Epidiolex — the first of its kind to win FDA-approval in the US (sending GW’s shares into orbit in the process). Its current valuation is more than £3 billion. Good news for its largest shareholder, Capital Group, a US-based investment house which also employs Philip May, the Prime Minister’s husband, at its plush London offices.

In 2016, following exponential growth of the medical marijuana industry in the United States, the Home Office approved a deal to allow GW Pharmaceuticals to expand its cannabis empire using British Sugar’s greenhouse facilities. So the government was encouraging medical cannabis, but still banning it. This embarrassing situation was highlighted in an unexpected way a year ago when the government appointed a new drugs minister, Victoria Atkins, who, as eagle-eyed bloggers pointed out, is married to the managing director of British Sugar. Red-faced, the minister formally excused herself from answering any questions on marijuana policy.

For supporters of medical marijuana, this was galling given the Home Office’s historic track record in blocking UK patients with chronic conditions from accessing cannabis–based medicines, usually on the basis that marijuana had no medical value whatsoever. Now here was a drugs minister whose husband was involved in the production of medical marijuana.

Politicians ranging from Nigel Farage to Sir John Major have suggested it’s time to revisit Britain’s harsh drug laws, with many stressing the tax benefits and the opportunity to take soft drugs out of the sphere of violent gangs. The Canadian system, which allows state-regulated recreational weed for over-18s, is seen as a potential model for this.

Riddlemethis profile image
Riddlemethis in reply to Riddlemethis

18-hectare cannabis plantation housed in industrial greenhouses. But this is no black market operation: the premises are owned by British Sugar and the cannabis is being grown under licence from the Home Office. Nor was it a small gig: experts say that the Downham Market operation (which continues to this day) probably produces more than 90 tonnes of legal cannabis each year.

Of course, cannabis remains a strictly prohibited substance in Britain, having been upgraded to a class B drug (with possession punishable by five years in prison) by the last Labour government. How, then, is a FTSE 100 company involved in harvesting gargantuan amounts of cannabis in the middle of East Anglia?

Riddlemethis profile image
Riddlemethis in reply to Matt2584

I research Matt because I don’t do ignorance 👍🏻

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Riddlemethis

Thanks for explaining about cannabis and what goes on.

I research but I don’t do as much research as what you have done.

Looks like you have done a lot.

I am with you though, I don’t do ignorance :).

We aren’t sheep :).

Riddlemethis profile image
Riddlemethis in reply to Matt2584

Your welcome , it’s good to be in the know 👍🏻 we definitely are not sheeples 🎃

in reply to Activity2004

Thank you Leah, this makes sense. 😊

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

You’re welcome! I never had a Neurologist who suggested I could use it for being Epileptic. They always tell me to be on Tegretol or some day, try to get off the medication.😀👍 It’s been a very long time now for me to be on Tegretol.

Matt2584 profile image

I know there is a lot of “Oh, is it really that helpful?” or “I’ve heard it’s not good for you” and so on about cannabis but for me you’ve just got to think of it simply.

The cannabis plant, a plant like any other plant out there, has been around since the dawn of time.

People have been using it for recreational and medical use for centuries.

Then men show up in black suits and have made a simple little plant illegal.

How can they make a plant illegal? Because they are backed by loads of money and power, that’s why.

Get rid of all the money and there is no power.

Money is the problem not cannabis and as I have said before, money is only material. It is about as useful as a used sock.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to Matt2584

Cannabis can be a serious problem. It slows down reaction times, amongst other things, and can be just as dangerous as alcohol if you are driving a car.

MTCee profile image

I was recommended by a friend, to try the commonly available cbd oil for insomnia associated with the menopause. When I tried it, It made me feel very strange and not in a good way, so I don't think I'll be trying it again. I didn't feel in control somehow. I felt my mind and body had been hijacked. Weird bad feelings. I'm not obviously one of those people it can help. I have very bad reactions to any opioid medications too. Brain chemistry must play a part in this.

I agree that there should be far more research into the active components of cannabis though, because it certainly seems to help some people quite dramatically. The friend who recommended it to me, said it had really helped her.

Matt2584 profile image

To me, it does make sense that chemicals in tiny amounts hold the key to our chronic health.

Foods go into our mouths, certain minerals/vitamins are extracted and left in the body while the rest of the food is digested and eventually leaves the body. Similar thing happens with these harmful chemicals in certain foods, our bodies extract them... well, this is my understanding anyhow.

When YOU say “it would be laughable, but there is similar logic with saying vegetable oils are healthy whereas animal products aren’t.”

I would say that neither of them are healthy.

Vegetable oils sound as if they are healthy. The oils are extracted from the seeds which sounds healthy enough but it is the way they are extracted which counts. Man-made chemicals are used to get the oils.

Again with the chemicals.

The only vegetable oils I know of that are any good at all is olive oil, coconut oil and palm oil where the fruit is pressed/squeezed in order to extract the oils.

Even though palm oil is a more natural source of oil, tons of is used in everyday products leading to mass deforestation and destroying habitats for many animals so you might want to exclude palm oil completely or buy a more sustainable source?

As for animal products, well they are most likely a reason for certain illnesses/diseases.

We have been told for years and years and years that animal meat is a source of protein. Yes, it is a source of protein but you don’t have to go eating animals to get to the protein. Dr Milton Mills will back me up there.

I get protein from hemp seeds and other veg.

Now a pig will eat virtually anything... even it’s own poo!

All the toxins from the rubbish they eat ends up in their flesh, then the pigs are killed and their tainted flesh is sold to the public which we eat and ingest their toxins... according to sources anyhow.

By the way, I am no vegan, I love a nice bacon butty :).

I used to eat a lot of meat and hardly touch fruit and veg.

Now, the tables have turned.

rbtbrsrd profile image

Tomorrow will be 10 years since surgery for prostate cancer. P3b refused radiation and hormone therapy. Worked up to a dose of full spectrum cannabis oil of about 200-400 mg at bedtime, I did this over a few years. Last PSA <.006 and my energy levels are through the roof. I produce my own cannabis oil from seed to finish. I also no longer suffer from osteoarthritis, glaucoma and feel like I experienced a 20-year reset.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to rbtbrsrd

Congratulations on your experience with cannabis oil.

Love to hear about the greatness cannabis can do :).

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