I’ve been trying to get into adding vegetables to my morning breakfasts. I’ve tried some asparagus with garlic and onion then baked with egg whites and cheddar cheese. 👌🏻 however, I want to find some more dishes. Any recommendations anyone?
Veggies... for breakfast?!: I’ve been trying... - Healthy Eating
Veggies... for breakfast?!

Soups are best way for me to start the day with lots of high quality vegetables.
This just to give an idea. You can use what ever you personally fancy.
Rice, noodles, meat, fish and whatever vegetables you like. The stock is the most important thing.
We may have this or similar for breakfast at least 2 or 3 times a week.
Filling and nutritious and very tasty.

Ahhhh I don’t care for soups but I should start eating them more. It’s just difficult for me to eat anything bc I have to be gluten free 🙁
I used to like the taste of homemade soups but they made me feel bloated without actually satisfying my hunger, I now blend them with much less stock and leave some pieces of veg un blended so they have more of a “stew” consistency which suits me much better, smaller volume but satiation without the bloating. I don’t like wasting stock so any left over from the cooking is frozen for when I need to make a sauce. You could try that approach to see if it was more appealing, and it is a great breakfast with some cheese or an egg, use herbs/spices for different flavours.
It may be the process of blending that bloats.
I hardly ever blend soup, can't understand why to do so. Unless it has to be a cream soup.
Blending blends air in. That is why blended food is not recommended for babies for example.
If you want cream soup, mash the vegetables.
I hope this helps.
I think your absolutely right about the blending. I stopped blending soups many years ago for that reason.

Good to know I am not alone.
Also, blended soup A is not much different from blended soup B.
As if the taste got blended as well.
Don't you think so?
I did love cream leek and potatoe soup, perhaps having to much of it was also part of the problem for been bloated.
I still love leek and potatoe soup and I much prefer the taste with it not been blended.
Same thing with smoothies, to much air in them for me.
If the fruit is to hard to squeeze by hand, then it don't get juiced.
Anyway as for increasing veg for the first meal of the day..I've marinated some pork fillet and put in the fridge for the night. We will have it with some long stem kale and mushrooms for breakfast.
We will have that with a bone marrow clear soup with some bok choy and water spinach.

Wow, that is a 'cannon' of a breakfast The bone marrow soup sounds so nice!!!
As far as I know leeks like onion can cause bloating.
With smoothie, I think you can't help but blend it.
If you like leek and potato soup, my version is leek and cassava. Do you want to try that?
I will also try leek and yam, as yam is very healthy.
Am growing two fields cassava now. I bought the fields with the crops in it.. don't really like cassava as a vegetable but love it when sago/tapioca pearls is made from it.
Yuma.. I like it very much and use it to make chips, casseroles and mash.

If you have so much cassava but don't like it as a veg, would it be more appealing as an ingredient?
We love coconut, chilli and cassava bake as a side dish.
Made hash brown of it, too.
Always have to cook it, poisonous if raw.
To be honest I have only ever tried it boiled one time a long time ago. You made me have a rethink and am going to look round for ideas

I had it boiled yesterday. I think it is better to use it as a main ingredient.
I am happy you got inspired. 🙋
If you find something worthy, please share. Will follow you now if that's okay.

Cannot follow you. The option doesn't pop up.
I will have a look at my settings.
Am going to the market today to see if they have fresh cassava ..I have an idea a recipe for it.

Looking forward to your recipe. Where do you live to have cassava on the market and your field, if you don't mind me asking.
Far east..my fields are not near where I live. I actually only bought them for my wife as birthday present. Been to busy today for shopping, will try tomorrow.

I see. What made you come to the forum? How did you find it?
There is no gluten in this recipe...what sort of foods was you thinking about for ideas.
Hi NMB, I have to say your egg whites asparagus garlic and onion with cheese sounds really good.
My favourite breakfast veg has to be mushrooms and tomatoes, which again you could have with egg whites and make a frittata, which would be good with sweet potatoes.
We have a Breakfast Topic section and a Gluten free one, we have many members who need a GF diet me included so you're in great company on here.
Here's a link to breakfast ideas including more veggies:
Jerry. 😊
I’ll look into some of that. I’ve tried making a couple of frittatas before but they always turned out 🥴🥴🤮 gross. Lol I’d give it another try though. With different vegetables than I used before of course lol. I try not to eat much of bean rice and potatoes. I try to really limit those because carbs 😱😵💀☠️ lol
We also have an LCHF section so again you're not alone wanting to avoid too many carbs.

If you're on Pinterest, I have a folder full of recipes I can share with you!
I make cupcakes using grated courgette, sweet potato, some coconut flour and an egg to help bind.
Sweet potato and banana scones
Fry some cooked diced potato with any veg you have lying around (peppers, mushrooms, green beans, apple)
I learned that most people eat porridge for breakfast. I had it at a few occasions like 30 years ago.
Anyway, any sweet-like breakfast doesn't go with vegetables.
99% I add vegetables to breakfast.
Depends what you are after.
I eat raw green pepper, tomato, radish, cucumber.
If cooked, then tomato, onion, green pepper.
If not available, pickled version of any vegetables. That would probably not sound right for you, if you are new to veggie breaky.
Hi NoMonkeyBusiness
Your suggestions sounds great. I hope you'll find some good combinations.
May be another way to seamlessly get veg into breakfast, NoMonkeyBusiness (🚫 🐵 Business)? 🤔 💭
If you like smoothies 🍹, it’s easy to add dark leafy greens such as baby spinach 🍃 and/or baby kale 🍃 to a frozen berry blender drink.
(You can’t taste the greens — at all. 😯 🤯 )
For example, for a quick breakfast, blend any combination of the following of in (a regular blender or high-speed blender):
. . . • Water🚰 and/or Coconut Water 🥥💦
. . . • Baby Spinach 🍃 and/or Baby Kale 🍃
. . . • Frozen ❄️ berries such as Strawberries 🍓 , Blueberries,
. . . . . . Blackberries, Raspberries, Cherries 🍒 …
. . . • Ripe Banana 🍌 (fresh or frozen) and/or ripe Plantain 🍌
And, if you have on hand (no worries if not) & would like to boost nutrients:
. . . • Ground Flax Seeds and/or Chia Seeds and/or Hemp Seeds
. . . • Fresh peeled & chopped Ginger Root
. . . • Sweet Potato 🍠 (already baked & refrigerated)
No worries about precisely measuring anything or if you don’t have all the ingredients (except for the water 💧 , of course). Just blend what you have on hand. You learn as you go — discover what you like & how much of each ingredient you like.
The varieties & combinations are infinite ♾ , so you needn’t get bored with the same thing. 👍👍
(Oh, if your blender has a hard time grinding away at the frozen ❄️ fruit, set the fruit out to thaw (soften) a bit before popping in blender.)
It’s ridiculously delicious 😋 & quick. [We’ve found it quicker than making porridge 🥣 or a hot breakfast 🥞 🍳. We end up making a couple batches (not only because it tastes good), but it’s a nice accompaniment to lunch or between meal ‘pick me up’. And, on warm/ hot days ☀️ 🥵 , if you don’t want a hot meal, the cold ☃️ of the frozen fruit is refreshingly cool 😎 . 👍👍 ]
More smoothie combinations ideas 💡 using leafy greens 🥬 (raw Kale, Spinach, Chard): smoothieshred.com/smoothie-...
Kale Banana Pineapple Tart #smoothieshred:
Good luck 🍀 , NoMonkeyBusiness (🚫 🐵 Business)!
Kindly lettuce 🥬 know how you make out with your breakfast veg. ☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞
Slice a carrot lengthways and cook it in a toastie machine. Dress with flavouring of your choice and eat between slices of wholemeal toast.