I want to share my experience with you as it might be useful. Simply I increased significantly my vegetables proportion in my diets in terms of green salads, cooked vegetables, legumes. I still incoporate beef or poultry meat three times a week. I break between large cooked meals with either seafood like tune pasta or fried fish or fried liver. This regime has begun since more than one year ago and I noticed observable improvement on my hair, over health, relatively my asthma and I reduced my inhaler intakes.
Experimenting more healthy diet for more th... - Healthy Eating
Experimenting more healthy diet for more than one year and the impact

Hi arabianprince
Welcome to the Healthy eating forum, and it is great to hear your experiences - and that you've noticed observable improvements in your health and well-being. That is really great.
Wishing you a Happy New Year for 2019.
Glad to hear that more vegetables & legumes are helping you gain better health. This is a journey everyone here is on.
well done and keep it up
hey there prince. Thats a good job on your part. What improvements exactly have you seen especially with your hair?
Hi gddhlth, glad that you asked and I will happily share my observation. This was the most impressive part indeed. I was suffering chronically and persistently (probably for three decades) from brittle hair and the symptoms of vitamins and minerals deficiency on my nail contact with my skin (to name the very obvious) and I didn't figure exactly why. I may relate as well a bit of fatigue and exhausted skin. I thought I am eating pretty well so nothing to be done about it. After increasing the proportion and size of the vegetables (cooked and salad ..etc) to meat, I observed substantial improvement on the aforementioned chronic issues without using a single topical treatment as I was doing. Secondly I reduced substantially the number of washing of my hair to bimonthly compared with my earlier once a day routine. Aside from that even with my current mild physical work-out, I feel in general pretty well and healthy and my weight is pretty much under control and I am capable to do more aggressive exercise as I was doing before my shoulder pain. In addition, my digestion is awesome and my metabolism seems pretty functional. I hope to return back to my aggressive work-out when my shoulder heals.
very good. thanks for the info and I hope your shoulder heals quickly. The reason I was so interested in the hair was that I have been battling hair loss for such a long time and finally found some natural pills to help me. They have been great so far and made from natural vitamins and herb extracts.
Thanks again for the info
Could you share the name of this natural pills?. I am not sure about its effectiveness with the hereditary hair loss which I am suffering from though.
It is called Vibrance by EU Natural. It has been very helpful for me. To be honest the reason why i started taking these pills was that EU Natural products are 100% made from natural ingredients, vitamin, minerals and herbal extracts. I figured, even if it doesn't help, it presents absolutely no risk to my health. So I gave it a shot and voila. Helped me.
Interesting. I was about to start Minoxidil-based treatment like Rogaine and the likes but if there is an effective natural remedy I would prefer to give it a shot.