Hi, l have a rather complicated question, which l think l have founot the answer too, but would really like any extra advice. I have recently had blood tests that show l may have a fatty liver, also raised chlorestrold, and l am pre diabetic, so a bit of a wake up call. I am now on a poption controlled diet, of no sugar , healthy fats in moderation, with white meat no processed meats, l have a family history of bowel cancer, lots of veg, and a some fruit,nuts pulses and beans. Also l have mental health problems, and am coming offrom one of my meds that makes it very hard to lose weight. I am increasing my exercise. Thing is, l have a huge task ahead of me, l am 23 stone! It's daunting. I have thought about weight loss surgery, but l love eating healthily, and feel like have turned a bit of a corner, l don't think it's for me. I am hypothyroidism, but l take thyroxine. I came on this forumthree years ago, l was very over weight then too, l have had sesessions with a psychologist, which have really, helped me understand why l binge. I have just lost seven pounds, which is a good start, Maggie x
Advice for a long journey ahead: Hi, l have a... - Healthy Eating
Advice for a long journey ahead

Hi MaggieC68
Welcome to the Healthy eating forum, and Congratulations on losing 7 pounds, that is a great start to your weight loss goals that you have. I'm glad to see that you're following a healthy eating plan, and I hope that you'll find joining in with the forums to be helpful - have a look around our Pinned posts and topics to see what interest you. You might also find the NHS weight loss forum helpful - so would be worth a look - they have quite a few events and challenges you can join in with.
Wishing you a great weekend, and hope you have an enjoyable one.
Hi Maggie, all and I mean all the issues you list above I consider related to meat and dairy consumption. I'd recommend watching what the health and possibly fat sick and nearly dead films. The closer you get towards a whole food plant based diet the more you will return to good health, on all the above issues. The change won't happen overnight, but it will happen.
Fantastic that you've lost 7 pounds!
*pushes andyswarbs to one side*
Really, Andy? All the issues above you consider [to be] related to meat and dairy consumption. *heavy sigh* Nothing to do with sugar? A person reaches 23 stone by eating meat and dairy? *tries to remove Andy's blinkers so he can look around past his plants*
Maggie, you definitely don't want to go down the surgery path. Why?
1] Because that's the easiest and most dangerous path.
2] You say you love eating healthily now. You now have a goal, something to (no pun!) get your teeth into. We humans do love (and need) goals to aim for, to bring out the best in us.
You say you have a family history of bowel cancer. What you actually have is a family history of consuming foods that can lead to bowel cancer. You know sugar is the big bad one, so now it's time to make a choice. Follow a diet/lifestyle like or similar to Paleo ( take a look at the success stories here to keep you motivated: marksdailyapple.com/success... ) or a diet/lifestyle like the Keto diet.
Following Paleo or Keto will do wonders for your mental health, thyroid condition, and fatty liver.
Scroll down past the recipe at this link to see the transformed woman who also cured her fatty liver by (wait for it) eating healthy fats: mariamindbodyhealth.com/pum...
Don't forget to take lots of pictures on your journey, so you can see the changes!
Best wishes
- Chris
Well done Maggie on losing 7lbs, that's no mean feat.
I have read many articles in magazines where people have posted/tweeted their weight loss and also their daily foid consumption, this seems to be quite effective.
Here's to a healthy future.
Wow 7 lbs is a great start! I’m sure you’ll find lots of help and support on this forum. A suggestion that you may find helpful... when planning your healthy meals the best advice I can give is always choose foods that you really enjoy. If you put things on your plate only because they are healthy and you don’t enjoy them you will not feel satisfied and start looking for something else to eat! Try to avoid sugary things as much as possible and eventually your taste for them will diminish. There is a free app called HAPPY SCALE that I use on my iPad . I really enjoy using it. You set your ultimate goal and then it sets you mini 7 lb goals that are very motivational. As you see the graph changing as you lose weight it gives you a date when you can expect to achieve each goal. Good luck with your challenge