Hi everyone,
I often put links up to Weight Watchers Couch to 5K and Active 10 so here's a great group for everyone who likes to go out for a walk whether it's nordic walking hiking it or just a leisurely stroll etc.
The group has recently been taken over by one of our friends Ali, who loves walking so now there is somewhere you can share photo's of your favourite walks where ever they are.
Here's a photo taken this morning approaching Westerleigh woods on a bridal way which's popular with walkers, dog walkers cyclist and horses, the woods are about to change colour and its a beautiful Autumnal day today so perfect to get out and enjoy some fresh air.
Here's a link to the Health walk group, Ali has worked hard to get some great content with links to walks for everyone. So why not check it out and say hello, I love the outdoors and I love taking photo's when I'm out and about and I have somewhere friendly to post them now.
Jerry π