Hi. Can anyone help as I've been struggling with bloating and discomfort for around a year now and think maybe. Got tested privately for a blood test on foods and found a reaction to dairy so I've come off dairy a year ago and still feel the same. I eat really healthy and watch what I eat. 5 months ago though I got a rash on my face around my mouth and it's been getting worse as now travelling around my face and on top of forehead above eye brows. I've read there's a possibility it's could be linked to digestive issues?? Anyway with steroid cream on prescription the rash gets better but can only use this for 7 days then comes back even faster and worse. Going around in circles with Doctors and I've tryed most of moisturisers and lotions from high streets and they seem to make it worse also. I keep fit running a lot and gym. Also keep hydrated in steam room and sauna as this seems to help. Just getting no where with both issues and it's now getting me feeling down as can't seem to break free from bloating, discomfort, rash around mouth and forehead. Any help massively appreciated. Thanks for reading. 🙂
Bloating and discomfort and Rash on face ar... - Healthy Eating
Bloating and discomfort and Rash on face around mouth.

Have you been tested for a gluten allergy?
Hi. Thanks for your reply. I eat a mix of simple foods. Mornings egg and pancakes/bagels with honey, then later on banana with mixed forest fruits, lunch brown bread full of mixed salad and either fish or poultry, then later moat loaf and mixed nuts, dinner is mixed veg and fish/poultry/red meats. Flat jacks and oak biscuits snacks through the day. Drink lemon water and flavour teas through the day.
I noticed that you eat bagels and bread. The brown bread is probably not wholemeal but white bread coloured. It is another way of kidding your senses of being healthy.
What is worse if you are eating mass produced bread using the the Chorleywood process. These are made with preservatives, emulsifiers and enzymes. You will never see enzymes declared because manufacturers don't have to. It is a chemical laced bread to improve shelf life and loaf fluffiness.
There are reports that this type of bread causes gluten intolerance, bloating etc. It is possible that stop eating supermarket bread may gradually ease your symptoms. If you eat bread, eat quality wholegrain bread. It is more expensive but you get what you pay for.
Have you had blood work to check your liver?If your liver enzymes are elevated ,it can cause weight gain,fatigue,etc.Also,I recommend seeing an allergist for the rash.You could be eating something that's causing a reaction.
I haven't been tested for Fructose intolerance or Fatty liver. I've only started eating more fruit and honey to help to try to clear my rashes and bloating. I'm thinking as I'm lactose intolerant I may also be gluten intolerant and not showing clearly on first test over a year ago now as noticed online coeliac sufferers can experience rashes on and around face and intestinal cramps and bloating.
A son of a friend of mine in work has had very similar issues - bless him he's only around 11 years old - I think he is in the final year of primary. Anyway, back last year around May time he started getting blisters around his mouth and this had been going on for months. The lad is now under the hospital and they are trying all things with his diet which at present isn't working so it looks like it's trial and error, he is having tests for other things though. They have told his mum that he can't have cinnamon, additives, processed food and a fair few other things as well. Certainly looks like it's to do with diet.
I hope you get somewhere and find out what's wrong.
My friend had similar symptoms and it turned out to be lupus? Get a second opinion, and push for answers...xx
My first worry would be using a steroid cream as they become, what one might call, addictive. These creams weaken the skin and have other side effects so try to get off them.
Milk allergy is frequently due to drinking processed milk; the whole structure has been destroyed. Tests have shown that these effects are not manifest with whole, unprocessed and unpasteurised milk. Have a look on the Internet for a supplier; there are many farmers selling their whole milk direct. We have drunk unpasteurised milk for 30 years. It keeps better that the stuff you buy in the supermarket because the structure is still sound.
The best advice really is to see a homeopathic doctor, I mean a doctor not a homeopath, who will spend time to go through your whole way of life as well as your food. A good one will almost certainly identify the cause of your problem. Personally I don't have a great deal of confidence in the every-day G.P. - sorry. They reach for their prescription pad almost as you sit in front of them; they don't have the time or the interest to understand you and your problem so will try anything to be able to move on to the next patient.
As a closing comment both my wife and I are in our eighties and avoid doctors like the plague.
Following my reply about an hour or so ago, can I suggest that this web site might give you an insight into a possible cause. healthscams.org.uk/allergie... All avenues are worth exploring.
Do you use these leave-on creams which are mentioned?
Hello. I have a work colleague who had similar issues. He was tested for wheat intolerance twice and came back negative. He then had a major medical episode (quadruple bypass) but struggled to get proper nutrition afterwards. He was tested again for wheat intolerance and again it was negative. A month later he was tested a 4 th time and came back positive, since changing his diet accordingly the problems have faded away and he is now well on the road to recovery in all respects. He was told that the intolerance tests are not very reliable and that plenty of people who test negative later test positive. It is evident that he has been wheat intolerant for many years but relied on tests that were not accurate. Rather than continuing to take tests until you get a positive, it may be worth adjusting your diet as if you have had a 'positive' reading. The worst that can happen is you eat differently for a month, but still healthily ( he has commented that he eats much more healthily on his intolerant diet than previously). Good luck!
Could you please let me know if you had any luck finding the cause of your bloating and rash around mouth. My daughter is 10 and has the same symptoms, the doctors can not seem to find what the cause is and we have been changing her diet to see if it helps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.