Hi just wanted to share something that I have found sets me up for the day in terms of feeling good.
I have a glass of hot water with a slice of lemon in it before I eat my breakfast .
The benefits are that you feel fuller before you eat so you're not tempted to eat more of your breakfast than you should and also it is cleansing you from the inside by getting rid of toxins. Another thing I do is Oil pulling with coconut oil. You take a couple of teaspoons of 100% organic coconut oil , put in your mouth and once its melted swill around as you would with a mouthwash .
It does feel a bit odd at first , but you get used to it . Start by doing for 5 minutes a day and then add another 5 minutes every couple of days until you get to 20 minutes.
Again lots of health benefits from doing this ancient Ayuverdic practice - I have found when I practice this my sleep is better , which for me is such a blessing as I find it hard to function the next day if I've not slept well .
Also it is very common for us Fibromyalgics to not get the restful deep sleep necessary to feel rested. Your skin will improve too - initially you may have some spots, but that's a sign your body is detoxing and will pass. Your teeth become whiter too!! The list of benefits is endless - I hope that you find these tips useful !!😊