(wasn’t sure of the best place to post this)
when it comes to dreams, I believe that they’re a way our subconscious tries to communicates with our conscious self. often times, they reveal our deepest thoughts, feelings, desires and needs using symbols, images, colors and sensations that all have their own individual meanings even if that meaning is lost to you. I don’t remember my dreams much anymore and the ones I ‘do’, always involve running from some evil authority figure, keeping me from doing what I want but what exactly what that ‘want’ is, has been a mystery to me because they aren’t very clear, im always alone and powerless in them, (and I learned how to “restart” my dreams if I don’t like them) until recently.
I used to have very pleasant and vivid dreams when I was little but I don’t anymore and I miss it. Recently I had one of those very vivid dreams for the first time in a long time and immediately wrote it down as much as I could before I forgot since I woke up right after it ended. It involved running from an authority figure again but this time it was vivid and I actually had power (among other things). I later interpreted it and I believe it happened because this year, i’ve been getting therapy for the first time in years, have been gaining more understanding of myself since I learned I was autistic last year and have been trying to learn to be compassionate and forgiving towards myself.
I believe “it” (my subconscious) is trying to tell me that i’m ready for a spiritual awakening, that I have underlying feelings of anger and fear that i’ve been repressing and is ready to boil over and need to finally let my inner child heal and accept my masculine side, which makes sense for a number of reasons I can’t explain (would take too long).
I realize it sounds weird but interpreting my vivid dreams has helped me in my waking life discover what I want and need in many ways. anyone else believe something similar about dreams? thoughts?