Hi everyone, been on that rollercoaster again. Son unfortunately vomited through his tracheotomy last Tuesday whilst his PEG feed was running. He seemed ok but come Thursday all his stats were alarmingly high requiring hospital admission. Diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia & started on strong IV antibiotics which he responded to really well , bloods, stats & chest cleared & was discharged back to Hawthorns this morning- this is one very strong man. Apart from this latest health setback he has been very stable & engaging well with therapy team - little gains are happening which is so uplifting for him, us & all involved in his care.
Another up, this afternoon I attended my post surgery appointment & my consultant very happy with how operation went & my recovery. Just need yearly blood tests to ensure my liver function hasn’t been affected - possible due to trauma of narrowed biliary ducts & scarring due to my condition but I am classed as at very minimal risk.
Looking back over this year we have been jumping on & off that rollercoaster but not as many times as the two previous years so we will continue with a positive attitude & hope.
Wishing you all a good Christmas and a happy & healthy New Year - and thank you for being there.
Take care Nanapal. x