Hi all, son unfortunately developed another medical problem in November ( this may have even been happening earlier but not detected). Sons stats drastically dropped in care home despite him not occluding his airway and he struggled to breathe and had seizures. Admission into hospital and this continued to happen therefore they did several investigations as thought something was blocking his airway. CT scan then MRI scan on neck did not show anything. Consultant at hospital then thought it could possibly be his vocal cords were intermittently spasaming and staying closed too long which meant son was left struggling to breathe ( full crash team on alert and actually came twice which was very upsetting - I was at hospital with him) . After a discussion with a senior colleague in nearby RVI Newcastle he agreed and he came next day to take son to theatre for a procedure to look at his vocal cords. This spasaming was seen during procedure so only option to maintain sons safety was to give him a tracheostomy. We were advised of high risks that procedure might have for son but alternative was one of these spasams could be fatal. Thankfully procedure went ahead on 1st December without any problems and son recovered really well and returned to Hawthorns on 22nd December.
Very pleased to say son is actually doing and looking much better than he has done for over a year. He looks so much more relaxed and sleeping so much better ( no longer needs NIV mask at night). Even consultants and staff at Hawthorns have commented on this so not just us. Now he has trachy in the tongue occluding isn’t an issue anymore since airway permanently open with trachy therefore he no longer needs one to one 24 hour care assistant watching over him. His stats haven’t dipped once and he hasn’t had any seizures since either and no chest infection problems. We are aware trachys have their own possible set of problems - infections etc but so far so good.
Other good news is son has reached No 6 on list ( this referral was made 2years ago by Walkergate Rehabilitation hospital) to have a baclofen pump inserted to help with his spasticity and will be having his anaesthetic pre assessment in next few weeks and if that goes well procedure in next couple of months so 🤞.
Best wishes Nanapal x