Hello I am currently 22 years old. I have always had a very large head and have being teased about it mostly light heartily my entire life. I was born premature with mild cerebral palsy hemiplegia in my left side which I believe affected my skull shape/development from birth.
I was always severely overweight most my life but in the past year or so I've made a solid effort to lose weight which I have been happy with my progress personally.
As a result of this I have become much more aware of my appearance and I feel that my skull size especially from a side profile on my left side is completely disgusting I don't know what's wrong with me. I've noticed ever since I was about 15 I had a bony bump on the back of my skull which I think is an occipital bun/external occipital protrusion. However I did not know how prominent it looked on one side of my skull especially from a side profile.
I've finally started to feel some confidence in my appearance and I've noticed this. I'm also experiencing male pattern baldness/alopecia on the sides of my head. Due to genetics and stress I'm currently prescribed finnasteride starting n December 2021
My skull is a major deformity and I don't think I'll ever be happy with how I look due to my deformed skull shape no matter what I do I can't fix my deformed skull.
I just want a clear identification of what exactly is wrong with me and if there is anything I can do to resolve it. I've thought of going to my GP but I don't think I'll be taking seriously complaining about a deformed occipital.
I've been very down and depressed lately due to this situation as its not something I feel is fixable I'll be a freak forever.
I apologise if the photo provided is poor or harsh on your eyes.