Recurring head injury pain: Hello. Has anyone had... - Headway


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Recurring head injury pain

ghost_writer profile image
6 Replies

Hello. Has anyone had recurring pain following head injury? If so, how did you deal with it? Also, are there any natural remedies for pain from head injury?

I had a road traffic accident at the age of 6 that permanently broke off a large portion of my skull and had many side effects. Some time ago, I have experienced a return of the problem as I sometimes experience a sudden strong pain on the area where my skull was broken (now closed with plastic). In the most extreme case, I felt electricity in the back of my head. My neurosurgeon suggested that it is age related (I am now 40) and prescribed a medicine for me that I previously took (Amitriptyline), which I had a bad reaction against. He also suggested that if it does not work, he could inject some steroids into the back of my head. I am reluctant to do either of these of things for safety reasons

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ghost_writer profile image
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6 Replies
pinkvision profile image

Get a second opinion, there must be a conventional way to treat this.

ghost_writer profile image
ghost_writer in reply to pinkvision

Thank you for the suggestion

ftt1960 profile image

Hi Have you had a recent scan to see if there are any changes within your bran? I have suffered constant headaches since a TBI in May last year. I have now developed hydrocephalus. I have to be given either a lumbar puncture to draw off excess fluid or have a ahunt fitted. Decision to be made in the new year.

I was on amitryptilene some years ago for neuropathy. It never agreed with me, so was eventually changed to Duloxetine and Gabapentin, which suited better. There are alternative drugs worth trying. Like you, not sure I’d be up for steroid injections. I’ve had those in arthritic knees and find they are only a quick, short fix. Speak to someone about options available to you and perhaps push for a new scan to see what, if anything, is going on inside.

ghost_writer profile image
ghost_writer in reply to ftt1960

Thank you. Those are useful suggestions. I'll try and ask

Alibongo60 profile image

Hi Ghost writer, I had a bleed in 2017, and have had head pain ever since. I have a brain aneurysm, which over the years has been various sizes being so large it has been pressing on my brain stem, I have had various surgeries to insert coils, and now it’s probably as good as it’s going to be there is no more surgery to be had, I always believe and have faith in my neuro team, they do these treatments every day and they have kept me alive so far. I have been on amitryptiline, which helped a little and several other meds I am now on tipimarate, which is helping , I still struggle bending down, or lying on my right side causes head pain, so just have to be careful, hope you get sorted love Alice xx

Leaf100 profile image

I was in an accident and had a lot of intense pain for years. So mtbi for me, rather than tbi for you. So, I am not sure how it translates, but these are things I tried with some success.

I used to get a burning sensation that would start generally somewhere between the back of my head/neck, though I could tell would get worse til it felt like I was quite literally burning, and it would last maybe 3 days at a stretch. I had all sorts of random pain in between these events, including feeling like there was a stick of some sort in there, various jaw pain, general headache, visual click.

For pain that feels like burning - ate cold stuff - example frozen fruit. Ice cream helps more but you get fat fast.

Also went for a treatment where they basically feel around your spine and id any knots and then inject them with a saline/glucose solution - I went to a naturopath and they used something homeopathic- at the time it was also being done through a clinic in the system but I had mobility issues and couldn't access it. Anyway you may not have to pay. Basically the idea is the injection resets the area some how, the muscle relaxes and so helps the pain level. Yes, it did help , but I won't lie, it does hurt and I always felt worse later that day but better the next day. I feel it helped break a cycle. I don't know what caused the pain to start with and I am not sure what fed what, but I got some relief and it helped me cope . Over the years this had faded a lot - I still get vestiges of it, but nothing like before.

I also started massage regularly and that helped - didn't go away but it helped. My guess is other muscles really tighten when we are in pain and then that causes more.

Lots of rest - dark and quiet room, lots of pillows to find a good position, something under the knees.

Avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate) and alcohol, smoking.

Others have told me an alternative anti inflammaties might help -

P.E.A. Palmitoylethanolamide which you get from a health food type place

, palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) a member of the fatty acid ethanolamine family, is a novel non-steroidal, kidney friendly anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic agent with a well-documented safety profile, that may represent a potential candidate in treating CKD probably by a combination of pharmacological properties ...

My anti inflammatory pathways are kind of messed up so it did help one thing but emphasized something else - I used to have a neuropsych and his patients reported getting some relief.

I sometimes think we get an inflammatory response not acknowledged or understood very well at the moment.

I tried amitryp . And I call it the little blue devil. It can cause kidney damage . I think they throw it at you because it has a laundry list if uses so they think something will stick.

Always check medications for kidney involvement ...they give you so much some of them can really hurt you in the long run, and there is usually an alternative if you are open to it.

CBD oil if I'm allowed to mention it. In the UK I think you have maybe Sativex as a spray, by rx.

My 2 pennies worth.


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