I had a brain abscess in 2012 after going to see my gp and being told I had a virus, still feeling unwell the next weekend I went to out of hours x was told again I had a virus on the Saturday. I remember some of the Sunday but nothing after that, I woke in intensive care on the Friday briefly then woke again on the Sunday, I had no speech x was paralyzed down the right side from my head to my feet. And had no idea what was wrong as no staff would tell me, I was in hospital for 3 months and then at my parents for another month recovering. I had no bone flap because my bone was diseased from the abscess, I can honestly say its the worse experience I've ever had.
In April 2014 I had survey to have a titanium plate fitted which was a painful experience but I knew essential.
This has caused memory loss both long x short term, restricted movement x nerve ending pain down right side x the worse headaches I've ever had! I always have a constant reminder x feel like I'll never get over it.
But I'm here 2 tell my story x my surgeon says I'm very lucky, that man is my hero x I definitely owe him my life!!
Thankyou for reading
Elaine x