I got some cheap flowers from Wilko that should start appearing in 2 weeks and I changed the soil in my bush and put it into a slightly bigger pot as I noticed nothing new was happening (I have noticed new shoots appearing since giving it new soil yaaay) the cheap flowers are good for pollinators I got pink candytuft (because I like the name), pink lavatera and mixed red flowers so I thought I would bring them out the front as the sunshine shines longer than out the back and thought I would do a bit of sunbathing as well and my boiler is having issues so nearly everyday I have had either Bristol boiler or the landlord round to try and find out why the pressure keeps dropping and my body is now use to the dosage changes in a month and half I will be completely clean from it but my Dr still wants me to go to biru and in a few weeks I am starting therapy to try and deal with my anxiety without medication and I also trust no one in the office (@Bruce: loooonnnng story) I would also like to try and put myself back out there in the dating world but am to scared / feel like I will be not good enough for anyone
Who's enjoying the sunshine?: I got some cheap... - Headway
Who's enjoying the sunshine?

Could you send us some of your sunshine, it's dull and miserable here and rained all day yesterday.
Don't worry about not being good enough for anyone to date ..... will THEY be good enough for YOU is the question.

If only I am ony way to a garden party where I use to work
Yo Bex,
I have told you that the sun always shines on the righteous (but the clouds are created by your medication) - as for you and the dating scene, Really? Really Bex? You can tell me the story on Wednesday (if you want) but I remember the story about the nightclub. I do find it very hard to believe that your confidence has been knocked that much. Even if it has, have a heart to heart with me on Wednesday and we will see what we can do to sort it out.
Take it easy Bex,
You picked nice plants there. Candy tuft is pretty and fairly delicate looking but not a delicate plant at all. And I love lavatera. I have been taking cuttings last autumn to try and get some extra in my garden. Both will come back year on year in spite of candy tuft supposedly being an annual. I am glad the blueberry has started to grow again. Maybe it was waiting for the sunshine too. Don't be scared about dating. Just enjoy it for what it is and don't expect every date to be your soul mate. You can have lots of fun in the looking for the one. Think of all the wonderful places you can go to and new experiences you can have. Have a great time in your garden, in the sun, on dates and in life in general x
thank you I feel now that my body has calmed down with the medication (and Im getting bored being on my own) I am ready to go slowly try again.
The candy tuff and Lavatera should start appearing in 2 weeks and I think my blueberry is getting rid of the old leaves in prep to grow new ones Im just glad its no longer dormant and is showing signs of growing life