I tried drinking up to 8 glasses of water a day, years ago and it makes you pee a lot. Talk about hardly any sleep.
I would not be surprised in the slightest if what we are told about drinking 8 glasses a day is an excuse to intake more sodium fluoride which is a component in tap water, toothpastes, mouth washes and other daily items.
Check out your tube of toothpaste for 'sodium fluoride' or just 'fluoride' (which is more apt for confusing the public) and find out what this dangerous substance is.
This isn't related to fluoride but I was talking to my uncle the other day about deodorant, I use roll-on deodorant now that I get from Holland and Barrett.
I told him I use that because there is no aluminium in it and according to scientists, aluminium is the metal found in the brains of alzheimers patients. So it then makes you wonder why these spray-on deodorants such as Lynx, Right guard, Sure and many other aerosols add aluminium to their deodorant.
Many of the items bought at supermarkets, newsagents... whatever, have got something that is bad for your health in it.