Hi All, hope your all doing ok.
This might sound like a silly question (im good at that!), but i just wondered how you handle yourself when you are having a 'good' day? Obviously the word 'good' is very relative here, and everyone is different. The reason I am asking? Today I am having a very good day, and that for me looks like this - my fatigue levels are reasonably low, my thinking has been clearer (and faster), my vision has been pretty good, Ive not had any nausea today & i am feeling much more like my 'old pre-PCS' self. I know this wont last however, but I am enjoying it while i can.
I have done something different today however - very little! Usually, when Im having a good day I overdo things because i feel good and end up back to square one within a day or so (the old boom and bust cycle). Not today, Ive kept the energy usage in-check - ive slowed myself down purposely, rested up frequently and had brain breaks (even tho i didnt feel i needed them) and just generally tried to take it easy. Now i dont know if anything i am doing is making a difference, but it got me thinking - its not just when we are struggling that we need to 'do the right thing' - its when were on-top aswell - this thing is never far away from us is it?
Anyway, just thought id ask the question - when you have a "good" day do you go for it and do as much as you can and take the consequences later? Or do you take a more cautious approach and try and keep it going as long as possible? Does it really matter either way anyway? Id be interested in ppls thoughts!
Cheers and best wishes, Bb