Surfing a standing wave here needing to close one eye due to double vision from a stratched fourth nerve/muscle in my eye, surgery tomorrow hopefully that'll sort it but there's a 1 in 5 chance of needing further surgery so no guarantee at all.
Going into Hospital for Fourth Nerve Palsy - Headway
Going into Hospital for Fourth Nerve Palsy
Hope all goes well & you're one of the 4 in 5. Best wishes x
Good luck mate. Remember even if you're the 1 in 5 patches are cool!
Fantastic, hope all goes well, I'm sure you'll be fine, good luck and hope to hear the good news soon xxxx Janet
good luck x
I had surgery on my eye to correct severe double vision (following a nasty accident re 4th nerve palsy), and I found the surgeon had corrected my double vision completely - it seemed a miracle on the journey home from hospital same day in 2010. All the trees and bushes and car number plates were single again! I have recently had a slight double vision problem and therefore now waiting for new specs from Specsavers with a prism incorporated in the glass (at no extra charge).
I hope your operation is as successful as mine - it's wonderful to get rid of that terrible double vision and eye patches and plasters and stick-on prisms. It also helps your mood, I know just how double vision can be very tiring and depressing, no-one else understands what you're going through every day.
Good luck, I am sure you will be pleased with the outcome.
Hope you are reading this with both eyes. Great canoe pic.