Posts - Gluten Free Guerrillas | HealthUnlocked

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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All posts for November 2012

Soya Villous Atrophy

There is currently much talk in coeliac communities about soy. Soy is a fairly n...
Lynxcat profile image

Onion powder in products such as baked beans

Believing that baked beans are ok i tucked into a cooked breakfast. Eithin an ho...
Mandy63 profile image

buckwheat flour is gluten free?

Hi all I'm getting very confused about buckwheat flour, is it gluten free or ...
jojo777 profile image
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Newbie : - (

Hi my name is Jill, I had Helibactor Pylori in Feb 2012, then a scan in May show...
Jill121 profile image

Glutened by organic lentils from Waitrose. What is a safe brand to buy?

Hi all, i don't eat meat so have a number of dishes i make with lentils. I had n...
Hidden profile image

Will an IgA deficiency test still work if i haven't eaten gluten for months?

Hidden profile image

The anomalies of being a coeliac.

I have recently discovered this forum and have found the discussions both helpfu...

Please act as referee in the debate going on here ...what is an acceptable cholesterol level...

Office colleague...seriously into healthy eating..has Cholesterol level of 4.8.....
Apricot profile image

Recommendations by a dietitian diagnosed with coeliac disease:

I thought that this was extremely interesting. It has been written to the BMJ - ...
Lynxcat profile image

Malabsorbtion of vitamins drugs etc.

Helllo there,I was diagnosed 2 years ago. I have issues with malabsorbtion, chro...
vince profile image

Gluten penetration through the skin ....

I have been reading about coeliacs and those with sensitivity to gluten and thei...
Lynxcat profile image


Hi guys..I did it again.. two days ago I bought from asda chunky mango .After I ...
Mikeila profile image

Is it OK to have wheat dextrose, or wheat syrup in so called gf main meals and call it gluten free.

asborne profile image

my hair is getting thinner and losing my hair cause of coeliac disease what can i do 2 stop it

DanaCromie profile image

Adrenal Fatigue and gluten ....

I came across some information about fatigue that some will be aware of that is ...
Lynxcat profile image


Not a question but a tip. I was glutened on monday and was very sick, vomitting...
Maryelle profile image

Why the Big Difference

I am a member of Coeliac UK even though I live in Australia. Why?simple I like t...
Hidden profile image

Recommendations for places (vegetarian coeliac) in Amsterdam, Barcelona and anywhere else?

I'm afraid to travel since going gluten free, as i don't eat meat or anything fr...
Hidden profile image

Does anyone have sleep problems since being diagnosed?

I was wondering if anyone out there had any problems with their sleep since bein...
Buddyboy profile image

My hair is falling out rapidly any ideas as this is most distressing

Mia1057 profile image


hi evrey 1 i have eat a bannana after tea fir 2 days running and on both days ha...
barny profile image

anxiety ...

Hi guys...I don't understand what is happening to me..I'm all the time worry ab...
Mikeila profile image

feeling crap all the time

I have had Coeliac D for many years now and stick to the diet but 2years ago i w...
shelly13 profile image

Attn Scotland

Please follow the restricts the choices of GF in Lothian area......
Apricot profile image

I have gallstones and also a blood test showing ceoliac disease, also had helibactor pylori, could these be related or cause by damp/mould

Jill121 profile image