Hi all, I have been having some severe nerve pain from my lower back down to my toes I am wondering what or if there is anything I can do to help alleviate some of the pain. I am taking gabapentin now but it is not working. I have alo trie cb oil which hasn't helped either. Can anyone give me any suggestions?
Nerve pain in legs: Hi all, I have... - Functional Neurol...
Nerve pain in legs

Wow I have that sometimes in my hips and running through to my legs if I sit in a position that I don't even think is awkward but it just suddenly comes and suddenly goes...so would be good to know if someone has good advice about this.
Albeit lying down on a bed no shoes on etc does it sometimes for me. I would like to know more relief tactics too thanks .
Hi, I get it quite a lot for weeks on end, I can’t take any of the nervre/pain meds as I’m hypersensitive to almost everything except paracetamol. I use a tens machine, it doesn’t take the pain away but dulls it down. Maybe you could try using it with your meds and if gabapentin isn’t working ask to try pregabalin that might work better for you.
Lynn 💕
Maybe yoga, physical therapy, or stretching
Hi dbar126....
I have the same symptoms, due to a car accident that I was involved in last year.
At first I had severe pain down my left leg, from my lower back to 4 of my toes.
I will also get a slight burning/tingling also.
Then just in May I have pain down my right leg, in which I had found out it is sciatica that I am suffering from. The pain can be very excruciating at times, in which I can't sit for to long or stand for to long. I try to do stretches. Did you get to tell a doctor the pain that you are experiencing? I am seeing a physiatrist in Boston and she has been very helpful. So, you may have to go to a physiatrist so he or she can check for you.
Hope you find some relief soon....
Hi dbar126 my FND journey started with sciatica, I went to a chiropractor for 6 weeks. I was in agony laying down or sitting, it used to take me 2 hours to pluck up the courage to sit down. I permanently had an ice block on my back to help with pain. My dr was useless and would only give me co codamol to help with the pain and they never touched it. After 6 weeks of chiropractor helping and even he rang drs to ask him for diazepam before my appointment with him to help relax muscles enough to be able to help me, the dr just wouldn’t listen or help. After the 6 weeks the chiropractor said he had got the sciatica under control but the spasms then went up my back into my shoulder and neck and affected my breathing and twisted my neck to the right. I then saw the head chiropractor who manipulated my neck and shoulders. I left his practice in an ambulance in my first ever non epileptic seizure. The hospital gave me diazepam to get me home as they were unable to find anything wrong with me although I’d come out of the seizure I couldn’t stop the jerking of my neck. From there I became worse, 17 months on I got finally diagnosed with FND. Even today over 3 years on if I overdo things my back where the sciatica started will start to be painful again. At my worst for the pain a different dr gave me tramadol and diazepam together this did help but upon paying to see a private nuerolist he said it had been given too late and had left me in so much pain that my brain had just shut down which is when I’d started the non epileptic seizures. For my head pain which began after the seizures had started I had nerve blocks injections into my brain and to this day the pain in my head has never returned. It was a drastic step but the pain in my head (spasms had gone into my head and face) I just could not live with that pain. I’ve read about a neurologist in America has said that alot of her FND paitients have got FND through pain. I believe this is how I ended up with FND. I truly hope you find something that helps you with the pain as to live like that as I know firsthand is soul destroying.
Hi I'm sorry you are having these symptoms seems very much like mine. Gabapentine, will not touch the pain as I believe they are spasms and not nerve pains. I have, had pain now since over 5 years in, knees, hips, joins, muscles, lower, upper back you name it and been on all sorts of pain relief from pregabeline, gabapentine, tramadole, morphine, oramorph, zapain and diazepam. Oh and the good old anti depressants of cause. I have been diagnosed with chronic migraines as a direct cause of overuse of the doctors over proscribing pain relief instead of investigating what is the actual issue. I was undergoing trial nerve blocks to see if they could remove the chronic migraine/pain and I am now on topiramate and migraine free since March 2018. I am also being tapered of Venlafaxine this drug is proper evil and has caused me even more bodily pain/ harm movement disorder but I'm getting better and having nerve conduction test done on Sunday and hoping to start treatment for trapped nerves in back for pain injections/operation. Baclofen drug pending spasms when tapered, you need to get seen by pain management.
Hi dbar 126.
I too am awake all night with the very same horrible description you just gave an I really don't need this pain discomfort onto of the other physical ones especially the osteoarthritis that traps my nerve endings in my cervical an lumbar spine .but the only thing I can suggest is to try what I'm doing to get even a few moments relief an that is I massage upwards from the very end of where the uncomfortable part is to the very top. This opens the vessels for fresh blood to sarculate an ease the problem for a short while. I'm looking for longer salutations here too as I can't take the oil it gives me such a bad headache. I hope you find some relief an wish you a pain and discomfort free weekend. Keep strong 🤗