I have pretty severe twitching fasticulations that are always visible in my legs they can be painful and accompany what I think is rls or small fiber neuropathy. These symptoms get worse with any activity like walking. I passed multiple emg studies for any motor neuron disease but they do show chronic rediculpothy and fasticulations on reports. I was told smal fiber neuropathy maybe and benign muscle fasticulations. My question who else has this as a part of FND or maybe it from a CRPS ?
Twitching Fasticulations in legs anyone? - Functional Neurol...
Twitching Fasticulations in legs anyone?

Do you mean Radiculopathy, sorry I had to google it as hadn't come across that medical term.
My loved one has suffered from leg spasms and leg numbness in the past. The numbness was a disassociation from chronic pain, I believe, possibly brought on my impact to an knee where they had fallen on many times due to another common condition/banged previously too.
Don't know what RLS is?
Yep radiculopathy I have twitching that's wide spread in the legs. The results is restless leg syndrome my neuromuscular thinks it's from small fiber neuropathy but I'm not sure
Have you been referred to this link:neurosymptoms.org.uk
My loved ones first diagnosis was Chronic Pain Syndrome and I remember it had links to other useful sites resources.
Yes I see it includes twitching I guess I always second guess the diagnosis. I have chronic pain small fiber neuropathy radiculopothy and major depression from being bed ridden the past 3 years. I always look for that smoking gun diagnosis that can be the answer but I think its just my difficulty with acceptance. Thank you for your response 🙏
I have got restless legs symptoms during sleeping . As a treatment, I have got anti-epileptic medecine
I have just posted a link to a pdf re diassociate seizures (in our case it was thigh spasms) but mentioned trying to ground yourself if you can sense an episode coming on. May help, definately worth a read.
I just downloaded a research paper that another post mentioned but its got so many medical terms etc (naturally), that I think best to google them all and translate before trying to read the whole document.
I’m currently going through this at the moment. Twitching wide spread and spasm/cramps in all four limbs. When the cramping stared in arms weakness followed so losing strength in them and burning fatigue when drying hair or holding position. Started in one arm and spread to other and legs. Rls through day on and off and don’t know if I’m coming or going with it. New symptoms to me. Had twitching years ago but mainly in thighs not shoulders, neck feet you name it. Having follow up neuro with emg. Do you get fatigued or weakness after episodes?
Yep seems all common I'm sure your emg will be fine wise spread fasticulations is more of the serotonin dopamine norepinephrine dysregulation and nit anterior horn dissease so you can put that thought to rest. I also get the weakness yes after the muscles go through so much hyperactivity they fatigue easily make sure you ask about Myasthenia Gravis during testing just to get that checked off the list as well.
Other differential DX is issacs syndrome or Morvan syndrom so ask for full paraneoplastic syndrom testing as that checks fir just about all the auto immune antibodies.
Trial with carbomenzopine if its tolerable or others that may slow peripheral hyper excitability is an option if you show thus on emg.
Take care ask any questions anytime but know you can put the serious stuff to rest 👍