I haven’t seen an FND specialist yet, but have suffered with TMJD pain for over 8 years, caused by my jaw muscles being in constant spasm. My current maxillofacial consultant suspects FND due to some other symptoms / observations. I have no mechanical defects, and Botox injections to masseter muscles have not provided any benefit, though now I also find it hard and a little painful to chew even soft pasta.
Jaw Pain - Anyone suffering with TMJD - Functional Neurol...
Jaw Pain - Anyone suffering with TMJD

Check out fibromyalgia as I have both and TMJ comes with this as well just an idea
Is there a forum here or elsewhere for that? I do have CFS etc.
Check out fmaware.org
I've got an orthophonist to deal with my problems of jaws
This is very interesting as I've never heard of TMJD before. I also experience jaw and ear pain, plus muscle spasms in my jaw that cause it to suddenly snap shut when I relax or go to sleep (causing several chipped teeth). It is one of the symptoms that was listed when I was first being investigated by the neurolgist who eventually diagnosed me with FND, the jaw pain and spasms was just put down under FND. I have never been given any advice on how to manage it but I have had to see the dentist about my teeth and was given a moth guard which helps to protect my teeth. After realising that the pain I get around my ears is connected I started seeing a cranial sacral therapist who does an amazing job of losening the tendens around my jaw which makes a huge difference to the pain.
This thread is so helpful. Many thanks to those who have contributed.
I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia several years ago and more recently with TMJD. My jaw locks completely and I feel as if my face is being 'pushed' towards one side, often accompanied by intense pain at the back of my head on the same side. I have recently been referred for Xrays of my jaw. My suspicion is that the symptoms are all part and parcel of my FND. The pain level is a real challenge and, like others here, I also have difficulty with eating and talking!
I am so sorry for fellow sufferers but it is helpful to read of others with similar symptoms