It is my decision to make with my oncologist and I fully understand that but I am looking for views/suggestions from all the brainy people on this forum re my next move.
My brief history is RP back in 2015 but re-occurence. I did prostate bed radiotherapy and 6 months worth of lupron in 2017 after PSA raised 3 successive times to 0.06. This did not do the trick and I had reoccurence again and a PSMA PET scan back in Nov/Dec 2021 after my PSA had climbed to 0.22 which revealed a suspicious legion in a pelvic lymph node and led me to be classified as oligometastatic. I did not go for the full pelvic lymph node radiotherapy and 2 year ADT because my oncologist who specialises in radiotherapy thought that with my physiology full pelvic lymph node radiotherapy had a high chance of causing considerable damage to my bowel without being certain to cure. I know from a friend that he has been happy to recommend and implement such treatment with success for others based on their physiology so I do trust his judgement on this. So I reluctantly accepted that I am past "cure" so now we play for time. So in Dec 2021 I had focal radiotherapy via Cyberknife to the lymph node (2ml from my bowel) and 6 months bicalutamide. This has bought me 3 years with good QOL. Eventually my PSA rose to 0.26 in November 2024 and I had a PSMA PET Scan in early December which revealed nothing. I should have said that during Covid in 2021 I had a Combidex ferrotran scan at the Radbould University in Nijmegen which, I understand is the best for picking up lymph node involvement, and it identified the spot at an earlier PSA level of 0.11 that was subsequently picked up at 0.22 back in the UK (UK could not treat it at 0.11 because despite assistance from the Netherlands they just could not see it on their systems) and it also picked up something "neutral" not quite at suspicious level in a lymph node on the other side. My best case scenario is that it does manifest itself in the lymph node on the other side and that it can be radiated focally with 6 months bicalutamide and I can buy myself some more time. I think this is what my oncologist is hoping for.
So my latest PSA taken on 26 Feb 2025 is 0.30 up from 0.26 on 13 Nov 24. I am seeing my oncologist tomorrow afternoon but I feel sure that he wont want to scan again so soon and he will want to monitor my PSA in another 3 months time. I am worried that if I let it rise too much it could spread elsewhere but I am also reluctant to go on systemic therapy and forgo the chance in the best case scenario of further spot radiation being able to buy me 3 years without futher treatment and before risking the development of resistance to ADT treatment. I am being treated at RMH on the NHS. I am fortunate enough to be able to pay for a scan privately if I have to.
A few questions including ;
Are there any other types of scan that I should be asking about?
What PSA level would you wait until before scanning again?
Would you move straight to ADT or a modified form if so what? I am attracted to the dose adjusted bicalutamide "adaptive" theropy approach but If I did this I would have to do this under the counter and without telling my oncologist who is very SOC and I am a bit reluctant to do this at this stage.
In my recent blood tests my ALP levels were fine and not elevated so I am hoping no spread to the bones yet. My PSA doubling time was at c 6 months but with the latest reading has pushed out a bit to c 8 months.
I am currently leaning towards waiting a further 3 months but I am edgy about it
Would appreciate some views