Started 2nd pBAT cycle on 4-22-24 with a PSA of 0.62 measured 2 days earlier. All 6 injections were 50 mg eod of T propionate with .625 mg letrozole every 5th day as an aromatase inhibitor.
The hiT cycle was cut short by 2 injections because of a plan to SBRT treat a pelvic lymph node chain that lit up on January’s PSMA scan. But my RO cancelled it after reviewing my 5-6-24 MRI and failing to see anything warranting treatment. He said the chain had "melted away."
Here are my blood test results during the cycle:
5-2-24, drawn 7 hrs after the last of 6 T injections
T = 2557
E2 = 6, will continue to reduce frequency of letrozole dose until E2 is > 10
PSA = 2.14, exactly the same as peak PSA at end of 1st hiT cycle (after 8 injections)
5-25-24, results at end of 2nd loT cycle, 23 days after last T injection:
PSA = 0.74, not close enough to original 0.5 baseline, so extended loT for 9 days
E2 = 35, upper end of ref range is 29 pg/mL; will reduce # of days on low dose E2 patch
6-3-24, results at end of 2nd full BAT cycle, 32 days after last T injection:
PSA = 0.58 (Started hiT phase of 3rd BAT cycle 6-4-24)
1. A respected fellow BAT-man wrote that "a 4 week castrate period following a 1 week washout of the how long it takes for the androgen receptors (AR) to up-level in number and activity in preparation for the next high-t BAT cycle." Is that independent of hiT cycle length? True for everyone? Are there any studies?
2. Is it common for a PCa affected lymph node chain to “melt away” strictly due to ADT? If not, did the supra-physiological T part of the cycle destroy PCa (including stem cells) via double-strand DNA breaks, as the theory goes?
3. Next week, my MO plans to send Medicare a request to approve darolutamide in order to initiate a double blockade of T. How should that be worked into my next low T cycle?