First off, a status of my situation:
I am hormone sensitive and have been doing BAT myself using different testosterones at times. Been doing BAT for 16 months. Recently had a one month PSA spike ( 1.4 to 6.3) along with uric acid/ kidney stone/gout. I attribute the PSA and uric acid spike to one of three things or all three. Dehydration/High Testosterone/huge spike in PSA. I picked up two bone mets from just a lymph story. I immediately jumped back on Daro/Orgo ADT and within two weeks PSA dropped of a cliff (6.3 to 0.85), two weeks later it is 0.05 and i am going back on BAT in 6 days.
At that time i convinced my OC to prescribe E2 patch at 0.025mg weekly.
Two months into ADT i started the E2 patch and it worked beautifully and it did not increase PSA. PSA actually dropped to 0.05 thanks to daro and orgo.
The E2 patch also gave me much more energy, eliminated my hand and elbow pain, and the hidden benefits like bone density and red blood cell production.
So besides all those other benefits my other positive benefit is my cognitive ability seems to have improved. I know this because i play chess online username “jmsandy” and i play a lot. My chess ratings were around 1220 before 1 1/2 years of ADT and declined with estrodiol decline to low 1100’s. Know while on 6 weeks of E2 my rating has climbed to 1247. It takes lots of wins to increase over 100 points.
Cheers !