Replied to a question about bone protective medications on another forum today, and thought it might be of interest to some here at FPC. So pasting it here. Full disclosure: I have been taking denosumab (Prolia or Xgeva) for over 5 years and currently have normal bone density. I also take Calcium supplement daily and Vitamin D3 with K2 when in wintery months when not getting much Sun.
I have a different take on bone protective therapies for us with APC. We know our disease is ultimately progressive and probably will die either with it or from it. By end stage, over 90% will have multiple bone metastasis with often severe pain and pathological fractures.Bone protective medications, chiefly denosumab and zolendronic acid. Are used as treatments for osteopenia/osteoporosis as shown on a DEXA scan. But they also have been shown to reduce those adverse “skeletal related events” in APC.
Furthermore, there is some clinical evidence from trials that these medications may reduce formation of new bone metastasis by altering the bone micro environment. And everyone on long term ADT is at risk for progressive ongoing bone demineralization, despite Ca and Vit D use.
On the other hand there is in erased risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw, ONJ, from these medications. But the risk is on the order of 3%, and is lower if you have good dental status and hygiene. So get to the dentist and have all needed work done before starting. In that case, the benefits appear to far outweigh the risks for those with APC, even if you don’t yet have osteopenia. That is my view and approach: to get out ahead of it and protect my bones preemptively. The lower dose of denosumab, Prolia every six months seems a reasonable conservative approach. Along with regular dental hygiene and care.
Also, after some years on denosumab, when it is stopped ther can be some rebound drop in bone density. So it is a good idea to transition by using an oral bisphosphonate such as weekly alendronate for a period of time, perhaps 6 months.
Be Safe &Well (as Cujoe reminds me) Paul / MB