My OH has returned from respite and has a bad back due to his Arthritic spine!! He can not move so I had to cancel my Dr appointment this him one for the afternoon and his Dr said it is muscle spazms due to the pain and has put him on morphine!! We have no care in the community help and no interim payment to get help and they will re-assess us in two weeks.
I just don't know where to turn or what to do I now have to wait 5 weeks for a double appointment with my Dr about my vertigo, I cannot go in a taxi as I cannot walk on my own even with a stick,I need my legs lifting into the car,and a wheelchair or my scooter to get me in Dr's and help with getting on and off the couch,to roll me for the vertigo!!
I just seem to get no help at all that I can rely on.Care wise and we told the OT and adult care that if I relied too much on Mac's support mentally or physically this would happen........Not looking forward to this weekend at all. Neither of us can cook we cannot eat takeaways,and we cannot walk our little dog!!
I hope this soon ends as it is unbearable .....on every level
Hope this finds everyone coping with the life we all have.
Rainbow hugs ((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))