Taxi is on its way to take me to ATOS - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Taxi is on its way to take me to ATOS

esagestapo profile image
19 Replies

Just got the text telling me to watch out for a silver Peugeot, going through a range of thoughts right now, panic mostly and visions of IDS in a coffin with Cameron and Clegg laying either side of him, is this normal. :)

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esagestapo profile image
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19 Replies
minxymare profile image

best of luck, be careful how you answer, let us know how you went on

littlemisshurty profile image

They say they help with your fair...but only bus fare and you have to have receipt and I think they only give £3 good luck x

Yup that is so unfair for me to get an early morning GP appt often the only ones available I have to get a taxi there and back as the buses don't run early enough.

Good luck Gestapo please let us know how It went

ladymoth profile image

Best of luck esagestapo - be gentle with them! :D

esagestapo profile image

Just got back from ATOS pest control services Ltd, I was pain free but the stress of attending has fcked me up again. The lady nurse I saw was very polite, she tells me she is from Barbados originally. I thought this is a new twist on previous medicals, we were actually engaging in a bit of banter. Although she seemed in good spirits, there is no way of telling what the outcome will be for a few weeks. She reminded me that the DWP will decide my fate, IOW nothing to do with her. Will it be yay or nay, I am going to say nay and prepare my appeal in advance so there is no disappointment when the letter arrives.

Toodle pip for now.

ladymoth profile image

No fatalities thus far, then? :)

I have been haunted all day by the divine vision you conjured up of Messrs Cameron, Clegg and Smith!

Toodle pip to you too

Moffy x

esagestapo profile image
esagestapo in reply to ladymoth

It's a weird image to have in ones head but I find it cheers me up to know that one day, they will get their comeuppance, even if is by divine intervention. ;)

clairethebear profile image

Well you seem to have taken it well, its great when its over though isint it?, best of luck, anyway from Claire xx

esagestapo profile image

Thanks for the support, much appreciated. :) I feel I must share this with you to highlight how inhumane this system is.

When I was leaving the medical centre, I witnessed a bit of drama taking place in the waiting room. A severely disabled man had collapsed, I could see and hear from the noises coming from his throat, he was struggling to breath properly, he was white as a sheet and his face was covered in sweat. He was half laying on his side at this stage so a couple of staff tried to sit him upright in his chair. I seriously thought he was about to die right in front of me so I immediately offered to call an ambulance, when I said that the staff at the centre literally ran off.

Long story short, he managed to recover to the point where he could sit up, but was still in a right state, breathing was still erratic, by now my taxi had arrived so I left.

I think it was incredible that no member of staff at the medical centre was able to assist him other than to try and sit him upright for appearances sake. I thought under the circumstances the very least they could have done was excuse him from the medical.

gardaqueen profile image

Hi again.

On the note of being excused from a medical. This following story actually happened when I went to ATOS about 2 years ago

I was talking to a lady in the waiting room who was waiting for her daughter to come out of the examination room. Her daughter was a marine biologist working in New Zealand. Having started having terrific headaches she eventually went to a hospital where a brain tumour was eventually found. She was flown home by air ambulance and had a massive tumour removed at St Thomas's in London - This was five weeks before the day she had to attend ATOS for a work assessment..

When she came out of the room I was horrified to see the poor girl had a patch over one eye as the op had left her blind in one eye. She was helped by 2 people to literally shuffle across the room to her Mum who was by now in floods of tears. The sum reaction of the staff at the ATOS centre was to ask if they could leave asap as their presence was upsetting -wait for it - NOT the other 'patients' but the young receptionist who can't deal with illness!


esagestapo profile image

Hi Gardaqueen, it just shows how crass and insensitive some people are, I suppose they have to be to work for ATOS. The pair I saw were trying desperately to sit the man up, no doubt to cover themselves. Obviously they have been told by ATOS, any fatalities, sit them up straight so they can say they saw nothing was wrong.

minxymare profile image

im reading this with my mouth gaping open, im so shocked as to what on earth they are playing at, it needs reporting to a higher authourity, how low can anyone sink, im still in shock reading it. atos really must be stopped and got rid of, people should no way be treated like this,so very very wrong

gardaqueen profile image

Hi esagestapo.

You did make me smile with your comment about fatalities. I've now got an image of a waiting room full of corpses who have been propped to 'normal' position by ATOS staff.

All it would need would be a visit from IDS and the cronies and they'd have a complete chapel of rest!

Shouldn't smile - but sometimes it's all that gets you through.



esagestapo profile image
esagestapo in reply to gardaqueen

I know, even though its not funny, you have got to laugh sometimes to keep yourself sane. If you happen to collapse in a medical centre waiting room, don't expect ATOS healthcare staff to put you in the recovery position. They are only trained to put you back in waiting room position.

So from this I ascertain that if you actually die waiting for your medical they drag you in your waiting room chair into the assesment room and then fail you for lack of co operation...

VG x

esagestapo profile image
esagestapo in reply to

I am not sure VG, all I know is if you have a curvature of the spine, you are in for one hell of a ride.

Think I,ll demand a home visit and when they ask why, I,ll tell them I want to die at home in whatever position I choose :)

VG x

esagestapo profile image

It is a pity not everyone is aware of the home visit option, make use of it if you can VG. The only obstacle is getting your GP to write a letter stating you can't or are not fit to travel at that particular time. The other option is to get ATOS to send a taxi, which is what I do. ;)

gardaqueen profile image

Or alternately - pee them off. Since I appealed they have defo got it in for me - leaving no stone unturned to catch me out - (as VG knows from my home visit on MOTHERS DAY).

All this just to receive the pittance we get (if we ever get it!)

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