I'm in South Yorkshire and i'm on a mission to find someone who specialises in fibro, the only one ive found online is Manchester, 1.5hrs away... Does anyone know of one closer to Barnsley? Ha my hubby's willing to pay for it. Hes gunning for me to get back to full time work asap lol
I NEED TO FIND A SPECIALIST IN FIBRO !!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hello Eversohappy,
This is our list of Fibro Friendly doctors listed in the directory on the website.
I had a quick look and the nearest to you that is listed is Manchester, which may be the same details as you may have already found online.
If you do find a specialist or a Fibro Friendly doctor in your local area, please let us know the details so we can add to the website.
I look forward to the comments, as a member may be able to advise you further.
Best Wishes
Hi Emma,
Yes I found something just moments ago. ( Dr M Akil )at Royal Hallamshire, Sheffield. Thank You for the link.
Im goin to book an apt with my doc and see if i can be ref to Sheffield, Im not having any success with my GP so thats my next step.
I thought mine was bad enough being 45 minutes away, bless you. Hope you can get a referral through the NHS for you. If not, you can always get them to transfer you back to the NHS, save your husband a bit.
You must have a lovely husband, to do that for you. Even if it's to get you back in the grind of full time work.
Just hope it doesn't bring up a lot of anomalies, like mine has, lol.
Hope it goes well, you deserve it.
Thanks Jo, No hes just fed up of having to sub me.. Most of the time he takes the **ss, or he gets anoyed, so its his way of getting me back to earning lol. Ive found something on fibrouk, one at hallamshire in sheffield, bout 30mins drive My GP rubbish, all they want to do is fill me with pills. xx

I have just seen your other post, let him live in our shoes for a week, then he would know. I had to go from full to part time. It was hard but you get used to it and it would be better for your health, not so much sick. I now do
8.30 til 2.30 Mon, Tue, Thurs and Fri. Wed is my rest day.
You need to look at New Gp too. If filling with pills and only just referred you to pain clinic. That's pants x