I came across the Fibromyalgia Association UK website and they are carrying out a UK wide genetic study and are asking for people to take part. I wondered if anyone was doing this. The link to details is: fibromyalgia-associationuk....
Is anyone involved in the FMA Genetic... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Is anyone involved in the FMA Genetic study

I applied last year. I was sent my testing kit just before Christmas. You then have to make an appt at your local GP surgery for a blood test - has to be done on Mon-Thur so the kit doesn't arrive back at the hospital on a Saturday. All the instructions are included for both the patient and the nurse / phlebotomist. The blood sample is then packaged in a safe container, and you take this to the Post office - it's prepaid - and hand it over. Job done.
I hope they find something useful!
Hello all,
This DNA study is being collected by the Kings College London by a Dr F Williams and there is more information via the link below;
Hope this helps
yes i took part to it was very easy to and hopefully this study and others will bring some releif to us all in the future.xx
I received my testing kit through the post yesterday. Are GP surgeries ok with do the blood testing part in their experience? I don't know whether I should phone and ask permission or just make an appointment.
I sent my blood samples before Christmas. It was really easy to do. They send the kit and all the info for the nurse. Just make an appointment for blood tests at your doctor's surgery and take the kit with in. If you are due other blood tests you can get them all done together. I guess the more people who take part the better the results will be
i too sent mine in before xmas ! i wonder how u can track what there finding?
Typical, I have just had a load of bloods taken, about 3 weeks ago.
Yes I'm taking part my kit came yesterday yippee!!
I don't like having my blood taken but I can't wait to take part in this & hopefully together we can help drs etc understand this horrible illness.
I'm going to ring my drs on Monday & make an appointment with nurse, I will just say it's for bloods to be taken & take my kit & information sheet for her to read.
Together we can & will hopefully make a huge difference.
Gentle (((((hugs))))) to everyone.
Lisa xxxx
I also got my kit yesterday. I was wondering if anyone else on here was taking part. Lets hope these blood tests are the first steps to a cure for us all xx
Yes I had heard of it and I got an email the other day to see if I still wanted to take part. By this time I had actually changed my mind about it. Sorry folks xxxxx
I am just waiting on the kit coming through the post .
I sent my kit back last month, I got the tests done at the same time as my regular thyroid etc. tests. I thought it was better to have them all done at once but my GP was ordering some extras, I "donated" 7 tubes of blood in total! LOL
I have been wondering recently whether I should ask if they want my sister's blood too as its genetic testing...?