I was put into the support group for esa without a medical. On my award notice it didnt specify how long the award was for or wether i would be obliged to attend a medical at a later date. Does anyone know how long these awards last for and is it likely i will have to go for a medical in the future? kind regards...xx
How long does the award of esa last for? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
How long does the award of esa last for?

I tried to check on the Government website for you and it doesn't seem to say! There used to be a benefits helpline, but I couldn't find that either anymore.
We don't have a specialist benefit service as there are a number of organisations that do this brilliantly already, like DIAL and CAB. I'm sure if you call one of them, they could answer this for definite. Links are available on the bottom of the page below:
I think its 356 days but im not certain so check it out x
If its contribution based its a year iv just looked it up thats me then x
i waqs told that id gone on the longest time in the surport group. i asked how long that was but she didnt know for sure exept that it was 2 or 3 yrs..........i dont believe anything them lot say...
i have just been put in support group after tribunral i was told it was indefinat they also recommended i dont get called in for medical for 2 years as this was the longest they were allowed to recomend it is the wrag group contribution based that is for 1 year but basiclly its when dwp decide because they can ignor tribunral recomendations if they disagree and appeal
I have just been put in the support group after asking for a reconsideration which they have to do if you are appealing. I was initially placed in the WRAG group, contributions based, which would have ended after a year. If you are in the support group then your payments do not stop after a year. The letter I got telling me the decision had been changed in my favour stated that I was now in Support group for 2 years. Nannyjenno, I would phone them and ask them to let you know how long it is for.
Yeah mine lasted 2 years but I'm going for an assesment tomorrow
Hi there, may I ask when your review was due, and how long did you wait to receive the new esa50 after the review date? Or did you receive the new esa50 before your review date. My review date is the 18/12/2016, god knows when they send me a new questionnaire. Many thanks.
If you are in the support group it can be indefinitely. It doesn't stop after 365 days, but they may still recall you for assessment every year or two as they see fit, but I was told that the support group meant that from information held wether it be from an assessment or medical evidence held that they don't currently see you being able to return to work, but it could change following further assessments. Hope that helps xx
Hmm I was put in the work related activity group, which is contribution based. I have just found out today it is only been awarded for 6 months. I only found out because I got a form from ATOS through the post to fill in and phoned to ask why.
I am bloody fuming and having a right bloody flare up.
Oh dear, im very sorry to hear that..The powers that be have a lot to answer for,because as well as myself and thousands of others, the way we have been treated by the dwp is disgusting and have added more problems and worries onto us, the sufferers..
thanks for your reply....kind regards....nannyjenno
Ask the DWP for something called the ESA85A, they will have a copy from Atos. This will a) tell you how long the award is for although they can call you in before or after that, it's only a guide and b) It will let you know which of the descriptors you satisfied to get into Support group.
If you get fobbed off on the phone like I did, put your request in writing to the DWP office dealing with your claim. Include your name and address, date of birth and NI number. You are entitled to have this information and it will help you next time you get another ESA form to fill in.
Thankyou for your reply.Do you know if this applies to people who have been put straight into the support group without an atos assessment?
kind regards...nannyjenno
I'm in the WRAG!! Because I didn't appeal - mainly because I didn't know I could - to be put in the support group, will this go against me when the time comes to be reassessed? Will they think that cos I didn't appeal I'm fit for work?? Quite worried now!! XXX
yes it does because Atos generates an ESA85A that is sent to the decison maker at the DWP. It is they who make the final recommendations based on what Atos have said. So your DWP office should have a copy of the ESA85A. It will help you see which of the descriptors you satisfied and will help when you are next re-assessed.
Hi my ESA money wasn't paid in this week and worried they've stopped it? I've got chronic mental health problems and medical problems and medically retired! I was just put on ESA support without a medical etc! Can they just stop it without notice? I'm really worried Gill x
As a rule, one , two, three and five years( having said that, following my first ( three years) I've just had a new award after assessment ( with no changes) and I got only 6 months ( dates) CRAZY !!
My son was put into the support group after an assessment in Mid October 2016. Today he received the letter for another assessment, that means it has been less than 3 months since the decision. He is currently in hospital for tests, and it will only be when these are over that he will begin treatment. I can't see the point of this assessment, his condition has not stabilised, and they knew that he was likely to be waiting at least 6 months before there was the remotest possibility of change in his condition, so why add this unnecessary stress? I guess he just sends in the same reports as last time, with the added test results and treatment plan if they are available within the 2 weeks they've given him to send in his 'evidence'. The world has gone mad.
I've been in the support group nearly 5 years now