Made myself a cup of "coffee" --- poured in the hot water and the milk -- then realised that had forgotten to put in the coffee!!!!!! Had to laugh at myself xx
How FibroFog is this?????!!!!!!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
How FibroFog is this?????!!!!!!!

Haha I have done similar put in coffee and t bag and then tried to drink it .....yuk not a good idea
VG x
I have done this too take care love beth x
sounds familiar also had that smell of burning from the kitchen then found a pan that someone who sneaked in to my house must have put on well, that's my story and the soups that 'was' in the pan.
Take care God bless
I di it all the time. Sometimes I forget to take the teabag out of hubbys cup, no idea until I hear him choking lol xxxxx
My partner found 3 tea bags in the sugar pot today and washing powder in the fridge, I really cant remember doing it so laugh it off lol xxx
I take up a bottle of mixed squash to bed nightly. Last night I made my drink, finished watching a dvd and went to bed. I woke up around 3am and reached for my drink..... there, on the shelf, sat my sky remote control!
I often make a pot of tea for me and my Hubby, leave it to draw/stew then pour out clear water from the t pot ha ha.
Ive also been know to pour tea into the sugar bowl or milk jug.
All of which are positive cause I sometimes have days/weeks of struggling to get out of bed and do anything at all.
My hubby is a b**ger for moving stuff and when he then can't find it, he says *someone* (very pointedly) must have moved it cos it wasn't him and blames it on my bloomin' fibrofog - I mean I know I'm not always great but i can't be that bad... can I???
hi,i think i might be able to top that...i wanted to wear my very tight jeans,and was to lazy to take boots off so i strugled to pull them over boots,first one leg then th other,by this time i was dripping in sweat and knakered...had a minite to cool down before pulling them up....only to find i had then on back to front!!! xxx
I was feeling cold this evening so I turned the thermostat DOWN... what was I thinking??? Sad to say its not the first time. I meant to cook sausages, hash browns and baked beans the other day and ended up taking sage and onion stuffing balls out of the oven... I could swear I put hash browns in - I REALLY don't recommend S&O stuffing with baked beans, its a horrible combination! A few months ago I managed to switch the electricity off to my freezer, I didn't discover what I'd done until the whole freezer contents were ruined (I don't cook on bad days) - that was a very expensive mistake. I now have the lid of a film canister taped over the switch so I can't do it again.
My t-shirt label is at the front today, thats the way its supposed to be... isn't it...?
LMAO Lindy - I now only buy tops with someone's logo on the front so I know which way round to wear them. Lucky for my my work one's have STAFF on the back so okay there too...
How could you not like S&O with Baked Beans? Mr S says that's the height of luxury on some continents...
Spirit x x x
I'm known for eating weird food combinations, as a kid I used to put salad cream on everything - even roast dinner! My aunt once sarcastically suggested I have some leftover S&O stuffing with salad cream in a sandwich, it was YUMMY! But S&O with baked beans was revolting
One thing I discovered by wearing my very old, long sleeved t-shirt back to front is that there's a hole in the elbow! Good job I was wearing a jumper over the top.
I can relate to so many of these comments lol!