Fibrofog..... what does it mean to you?? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Fibrofog..... what does it mean to you??

MissKittycat profile image
32 Replies

I won my tribunal appeal yesterday and had problems concentrating giving evidence... my partner said it could have been fibrofog. I am not sure what it means to everyone... Can anyone help?

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MissKittycat profile image
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32 Replies

I can't think of the word I want when I'm talking and filling forms in is terrible, I just can't take in what I'm reading. It just doesn't go in my head when I'm reading so to speak.

Glad you won your tribunal.

chorley profile image

Hi Kittycat, Fibro Fog i have big problems trying to say what i mean if somebody interupts me when i am trying to say somthing i forgett what i was saying, i have also noticed i have started to stutter when talking, as Sue says filling in forms is now alot harder for me i forget how to spell ( Thank god for spell check LOL ) i dont let the Fibro Fog get to me i just try to laugh it off, my wife has a good giggle with me when i get words wrong.

Good on you for wining your tribunal :)

Keep your chin up


AlisonH profile image
AlisonH in reply tochorley

I thought it was just me who had forgotten how to spell, so glad its not.

marymcd profile image
marymcd in reply tochorley

ahh so its not just me that can no longer spell, going from being excellent speller to barly being able to spell own name some days is sooo very frusterating :(

gypsy21 profile image

i can start 2 say something an half way through forget wot i was going 2 say ! or have 2 read a page two or three times just 2 get the words 2 sink in . well done 2 win !

clarecharliecat profile image

Took several goes to manage to write this as I could not manage to order my thoughts!Perfect example of fibro fog! I also forget words and especially names in the middle of sentences, spoken and written.

The greater my pain or tiredness that day the worse I am. Have days when every other word is "thingamy" or "you know what I mean" or even just giving up on a sentence, then rehearsing it mentally and coming back for another attempt at it.

Can get interesting at work as I am a teacher - but some how I get through it.

My daughter and I often get the giggles about it :-)

MissKittycat profile image

Thanks all I thought it was just me that does it! Hope you all have a good day x

MissKittycat profile image

I do all those Lyn!!! Thanks for sharing x

I have constant Fibro Fog, I live in a permanently confused and forgetful state. I have to write everything down and then write a note to tell me where I've written it down lol! I constantly drive myself nuts forgetting everything. I have always been a bit scatty, but these days since my diagnosis, I really have to take stock of myself. I double and treble check everything - have I got my keys, did I shut the door, where are my keys, what day is it, even where the heck am I sometimes! When I get a particularly bad 'foggy' day I tend to stay at home where my 'foggyness' doesn't matter. I can be talking to my hubby and within minutes forget our entire conversation, I can watch a film and forget what it's about while I'm watching it loL! I try to laugh at myself as there isn't a lot I can do about this, but sometimes it really does drive me doolally! :)

fibrojude profile image

Im the same as most of you ! and also i go into a stare ,away with the fairys my partners says ! cant focus dont drive when like this ! and i have noticed i cant see print i,t goes all fizzy, bit like when i had drops to dialate pupils ,if i sit at computor more than ten minutes i nod off as im typing my brain hates the bright light!I spell words compleetly wrong as i just did but cant remember the right way! way becomes weigh things like that , and a forms looks like a load of squiggles . i take all day to do something if i plan it like start the ironing , i keep walking past it starting other things ,flooded our house left the bath running , tried opening my car with my phone in stead of key fob , my daughter so embarrased ! its just me know , they all have a giggle

anjie profile image

I am so glad someone else does daft things like putting remote controls in the fridge!!

Nance profile image
Nance in reply toanjie

Lol......I almost put a huge box of Daz in the fridge the other didn't fit otherwise it would be in there !

panda60 profile image

So helpful to know I am not alone in this. Last week my poor old budgie got his food storage container with the lid on instead of his dish and today I went into the back room and found his cage door open and the seed sitting in the dish outside - he is very old in budgie years and doesn't like to come out any more, which is just as well as I had gone out in the meantime and he would have set the alarm off!

Went into Sainsbury's yesterday and was looking for my husband and remembered he wasn't with me, then couldn't find the car.

List could go on and on! When I'm out and about people must think I'm a batty old woman because I ask myself questions out loud like 'did you put the ticket in the car you daft old bat'

I do worry about driving though on a bad day and am going to discuss this with my GP next week.


When i heard the words Fibro Fog ( newbie to fibro), i thought, i do not have that, being a bit defensive or in deinal, But more i read, the more i think, maybe i do.

My opening line of every phone conversation is, "what was i gonna say", I am always saying "you know what i mean" my slogans , Hubby and i have a giggle about it.

I often muddle up my words. Daily walk upstairs or into another room, even to a shop and cant think of the life of me Why?

Leave the house often with out keys, mobile, handbag.

Forget Names or call people the wrong name ( a tad embrassing, when you call your hubby of 10 yrs your brother in laws nam ) Good job he knows me only to well.

Like Chorley i often stutter a bit, when i get confused. Also my spelling has gone from average to very bad now, even simple words i forget


I love to read, but have struggled to read a whole book in a year, concentration is not there.

At home my kitchen calander is my life line and at work my diary.

I have set alarms on my phone for meds and write down what i take.

The list could go on, nothing major just loads of little things, I have always put it down to being a bit ditzy, so it maybe fibro fog but am not going let it get to me. I just see it as part of me and my quirky ways. x

As a little fella said to me at work the other day "the world, would be boring, if we were all the same" I agree x

cxs957 profile image

Personally, fibrofog fits. It is the perfect word and I know that I would have never thought of it because of this bloody fibrofog, but it does, it feels like a complete fog around your brain. I forget what I was saying, what I was doing, where I was meant to be driving to, how everybody is called, etc.

I don't personally find it funny as I had speech problems as a child and still occasionally struggle and the fibrofog just makes that worse. I want to be a teacher but I worry that children will just laugh at the teacher who gets lost mid sentence.

dawny profile image

glad i read this, found myself stuttering recently and i forget everything, been ok for awhile buy worst flare up ever

MissKittycat profile image

Wow!!!!! When I was telling my better half about this I told him that I felt so alone. I get frustrated when I forget things - it's made myOCD worse as I keep having to check things to make sure I've done them. And I have thesame problem when talking as a lot of others on here- I started talking about Tunnocks biscuits and there's a chewy one I like but can I remember the name????

I'm soooo glad I started this thread xxx

AlisonH profile image
AlisonH in reply toMissKittycat

I'm so glad you started this thread, I've had a good laugh reading all the comments and seeing all the things people do. Its like looking in a mirror. I'm not a 'mad cow' as the coffee mug my sister bought me says lol x

floozy profile image

hi to everyone , i was so glad when i discovered fibro fog was yet another symptom because i was seriously worried that i had dementia , i recently locked myself out of my house had forgotten to charge my phone and had to resort to getting a neighbours son to break into my house ,i was real proud of myself for feeling well enough to venture to the supermarket and do my own shopping only to get to the till to discover i had neither card or money to pay , , ive flooded my bathroom , burnt pans all because ive started things and wandered off and forgotten what id started ,my youngest daughter has told me shes not married to me so shes not finishing my sentances. lol seems to help

ZoeH profile image

Fibro fog has become a big joke with my friends. Every time i do something silly its the fog! I find its best to laugh otherwise i would just cry. For me i tend to forget words (usually everyday words that i use all the time). Its like they are hiding behind a curtain and i know they are there but i cant open the curtain to see them. Also people will tell me something, maybe a story or a joke and once they finish il have to apologise because i forgot how it started! I also do things the wrong way, like pour myself a drink in a bowl or use a fork to spread butter. To be honest most the time it is pretty funny but it can get a bit problematic as i am a student, im forever forgetting what i have just learnt and i think it annoys my teachers a little that 8 out of 10 times i need them to teach me again!

ginge profile image

i would like to know do the g.p.s know about fibro fog cause i havnt come aross anyone who knows about it, only a specialist i saw once.....and more to the point the d.l.a. do they know about it......i had a apeal once and they looked at me like i was a mad woman when i cudnt remember things and stoped dead in middle of saying something cause ii forgot what i was on about.... and when i said its the fibro fog they asked what was that!!!!!! i think its a funny thing at times and i laugh at most of the things i say back to front [some of the words come out quite rude ] daughter is forever saying MUTHER!!!!!!! but i cant help it lol.

I also live in a constant fog ( bloomin annoying because I always had a really sharp brain ! ) . Words, those little awkward things that sit on the tip of your tongue but refuse to come out of your mouth ! I get fridge and shed mixed up all the time now so I will say the milk is in the shed or I've set a mouse trap in the fridge ! I look at an object and for the life of me can't remember what it's called ! And I have no chance with people's names . I put it down to blonde moments !

I also find the fog makes me clumsy and unbalanced . I'm sure those door ways move when I head towards them ! And the edge of the bed sneaks out to hit my shin bone every time I walk past it ! The poor old dogs skitters out of my way when I walk past her because I'm forever treading on a paw or tail.

My short term memory is not good , yet longer term memory is fine. Very strange to be able to remember events from 10 years ago , but not what happened yesterday !

I do the note thing too , but it has to be left where I can see it because safe places in this house are never found again !

OuchOuch profile image

Like Lyn I get muddled, confued, cant spell or read, lost where I am or what I am supposed to be doing, stutter a lot, can't get words out right, give up. Memory - what is that?Forget everything. Feel realy miserable about it all too.

Glenys profile image

MMM. I get fibrofog, but don't like calling it that outside the Fibro community, as I get funny looks. Some of my friends and family have fogginess because of their medical conditions too such as ME and MS, and I would feel so selfish talking about Fibrofog, as if I was claiming the mind fog as my own!!

People who don't get fog, think its a bit affected and pretentious when I don't explain it in general terms and refer to it as Fibrofog - I feel by their reaction that it looses gravitas if I don't just say "look I'm feeling a bit rubbish at the moment" instead :-)

Yes Fibrofog is definately kept within the FMS community for me. Its far too complicated for the rest of the world :-)

dawny profile image

just went to comment on this realising its so me, to find out ive replied already, what else can i say lol xxxxxx

floozy profile image
floozy in reply todawny

lol so funny dawny

MissKittycat profile image

Smiling now at last two comments!! Xx

tiggerfan profile image

having had 'fog' for over ten years I'm pretty used to it...but its still frustrating and on really bad days makes me so frustrated I feel like bursting in to tears(and sometimes do)

I used to work as a training manager and just made a point of explaining I may get lost in the middle nd need prompting or that I may say the wrong word or even say a word backward and tell the 'students' they were allowed to laugh and just to let me know if I said a funny word.

I now work with elderly people in a cre home(many of whom have dementis) they often say ' you're worse than us!' I agree and tell them that between two of us we'll manage to remember. At least they all know that I know exactly what they go through both with mind and body and I think this helps us all me included

If I forget the word I do actions until it comes to me or the other person tells me or I describe the thing.the most common at work is 'dressing gown' since I do backshift.they all know what I mean when i say 'the coat you put on over your nightie' or curtains when I do and open shutting action.

zimmers are often referred to as buggies and wheelchairs taxis or prams...both by me and the clients.

My son does all the cooking because I'm not safe in charge of it....and he's well used to looking in th tumble drier for the milk or finding washing in the fridge.

I still get strange looks when I forget family members names but they know I cant help it and often lose my car in car parks.

my local shop is ecellent and are use to me standing still for ages when I go in to a fugue as are my collegues and family

I often forget how to spell even small words like 'the and find it embarrasing to have to ask so I stall for a while before I give in and ask advice for these ones

The funny thing is I was always hopeless at I'm a champ!


Frankiebeee profile image

I can never find the right words or my sentences are in a strange order.

circuitrunner profile image

I recall once being fairly intelligent! Now oh heck it all got erazed. We should all be given a back-up disc once diagnosed lol

Cazie50 profile image

Fibro fog is horrible, I feel like I've had one too many when it occurs and as I don't drink at all I really struggle with it. It's very much like others describe it.

I can really feel for all of you as I'm the same in every way, I'm always saying I need someone with me all the time, because of my fibro fog, gentle hugs xxx Claire xxx, why can't we be acknowledged properly always for all our symptoms, esp fibro fog that alienates us.

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