For those that may have read my questions that i posted in the week i would like to thank you for your replies,i thought you might like to know how i got on at the doctors today where i asked him the same questions plus a couple others.
On the numbness and tingling i told him that my hands are getting worse,every morning my hands are numb with tingling in all my fingers,i also have sharp pains shooting up my arms throughout the day and painfull wrists,the Doc thinks its carpels tunnel,i have a rhumatologists appointment next month and which was made a few weeks ago when i first started getting pain and he wanted my hands checked to see if my osteo had got worse,he wants to see whether the rhumatologist thinks the same as what he does.
A few weeks ago i had some bloods done and i wanted to know whether vitamin D was tested for,he said there is no test (and yet other people on this forum has been tested for it) he said it wouldnt hurt to take vit D beacuse it was quite common for fibro sufferes to need it,i asked if he could give me a prescription and he said yes and has given me calcichew D3 which contains calcium aswell.
I told him that i have put on 2 stone in the past year since being on pregabalin,he suggested that i book in to see him for another day so we have more time to talk about it and to disscuss the way forward.
There was a few other things i spoke to him about which you may be interested in,
i told him that sometimes i have trouble swallowing and feel like i have something caught in my throat,he said to see how it goes and if it persists we may have to look at going to hospital and have a tube put down throat to see if there is anything going on.
i also mentioned that when i am asleep i wake up quick gasping for air,this happens even when i nod of for a bit on the sofa,he is going to refer me to the sleep apnea clinic where a test can be done to see what the problem is,this can be done at home which is great as i wont need to go and sleep in the clinic for the night.
He has also put me back on the omeprazole for indigestion which is bad again.
Well thats it folks! i hope i havnt bored you too mutch,just thought you may find that there is some things i have mentioned that you think you may have so worth a visit to the Docs ,i feel alot better in myself that i have spoken to him...xx