The Fibro Effect: Hi everybody, I have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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The Fibro Effect

11 Replies

Hi everybody, I have started a new blog, and twitter for something I am calling "The Fibro Effect". I would love you all to check it out, and subscribe if you want to.


11 Replies
Ginsing profile image

I enjoyed your blog well done xgins

bernie1 profile image

Love yhe blog well done

Thank you guys!:)

Its really helpful for me to write it, Im really enjoying it :)

hugosmum70 profile image

i have word press account but it wont let me use it on yur blog.says i dont own that account yet i do,.

would like to say. dont judge people who pass on those support things on fb.most do what they can to understand and support you all. even though it may not be the kind of support or understanding yu want. people are human. they have their own probs and worries. you may not be the only one they are trying to support. those support pics are maybe just their way of saying, i may not understand all this, but i am trying my best to support you. in the only way i can.

At 70 i have a lot of things wrong with me which makes me feel my whole body is breaking down/ fybro dont come into the list of 25 or more conditions.yet im trying to understand and support my fybro son and often missing the mark while worrying like hell about him both now and how he will manage when ive gone. a daughter with another condition which renders her in pain and unable to walk or move her arms much. where great boil like eruptions occur in places where the skin folds or meets.nothing to do with not bathing either as some who know nothing about it,may think. she bathes every day, twice sometimes if one is ready for bursting in an effort to make it burst while shes ar home so she can at least go do her shopping next day.or similar. hydrodenitis its called. . these eruptions can burst at the most awkward times and it stinks when it does.her life too is governed by these things that occur within days of each other and not only just one. i have to try n understand her and support her too while she tries to do what she can for me.when she can.that i cant do for myself..

i can understand how you could think people dont mean it but unless they are very young and as yu say, share everything they see, most people DO read things before sharing.

SuzySparkle profile image

Hi, I love your blog Well Done - it is nice to be able to record your thoughts and feelings. However, as they are your own - I do not judge you on your views even if they are different to mine. I accept and understand we are all unique, special and creative in our own way. Good Luck with the blog. xx

As far as the post on facebook goes, it isnt aimed at the people who are trying to understand, its aimed at the people who click "share" without having any intention of reading the post of trying to understand.

I dont expect people to understand everything all of the time, thats a very naive view. There are people out there, who post things they dont have any intention of trying to understand, because it startsoff "99% of people wont post this" etc, and they do it just so they look different. They dont do it to show support.

Now there is LOTS and lots and lots of people who share such things, and maybe they dont understand fully but they are trying, or they dont understand at all but they are just showing that they care, I know there is people like that, but don't make the confusion of thinking that my blog post is about these people. It isnt, its about the people who don't want to understand, they just want to make a facebook post. But thank you for your opinion, maybe I will try and make my points a little bit clearer :) - any feedback is always always welcome.

- and Thank you Suzy. :)

Ozzygirl64 profile image

I promise I would love your blog if I could get on it. Every time I click the link A yellow weird shape flashes up with a red exclamation mark inside, no idea why. I will try again tomorrow xxxxx

in reply to Ozzygirl64

Oh dear! hope it works for you tomorrow! x

Thanks everyone! x

Ozzygirl64 profile image

Okay now I am getting angry, same link, same yellow squidgy thing and excamamtion mark For some reason it will not let me go there. xxxxx

That is very strange!

If you have twitter, follow **** and try and view the blog by clicking on that link instead, it might for some strange reason work!

Thanks everyone who has given it a view, i can see the traffic from here has been fab! Feel free to comment, share, subscribe etc x

EDITED BY ADMIN - Link removed for online safety reasons. Please refer to our Guidelines for more info on this. Any enquiries regarding Twitter account please message the member privately using our private message system and the member will have the choice as to whether to reply or not. This is in the interest of PolkaBunny's online safety and also our other members too.

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