I have to go to work tomorrow. I have struggled a bit with fibro fog today; so who knows how it will turn out!!! At least the foggy words that fall out of my mouth on such days raises smiles amongst others. I realised that I sent my nephew a birthday card for what I thought was his 18th birthday when he is in fact 20!!!! I hope he see's the funny side. something he would expect of his Grandma, but not of his Aunty who is the youngest sibling!!
So I am having to make sure I write down all the little things I have to do, because I clearly cannot hold onto these thoughts for any more that a few minutes ; ) lol
On my to list - includes get up, get dressed, brush hair, walk dog, have breakfast, get changed for work ..... oh my I'm exhausted already..........
I'll just have to trust myself, believe in myself and be kind to myself good night all!