Like so many others on here I've very recently been through the stressful process of being assessed to move from Incapacity Benefit to ESA. After spending multiple hours filling in their awful form and enclosing 3 doctors/specialists letters of support I've received a letter informing me that I'm in the WRAG.
Actually filling in their stupid form landed me in hospital for 10 days with a further 10 days of IV out-patient treatment as I developed a life-threatening Cellulitis in my affected arm purely from spending many hours in one position!! I was told that the antibiotic I had was the "world's most expensive" (reportedly £700 a dose, which I had 4 times a day for 10 days then once for the remaining 10...!) Then there was the hospital stay itself and all the usual costs, which must have added up to a fortune...
I would have thought that this actually TOLD them something??? But I did not have a medical & they obviously took no notice of the letters from my GP, oncologist & endocrinologist, which all stated that in their professional opinion I wasn't fit for work of any description now or in the foreseeable future. I AM appealing but don't hold out much hope of winning that due to the experience of others on here.
Despite the obvious problem of not being where I wanted to be I have some questions about this and am REALLY interested to hear what others have to say about this situation as it is affecting so many of us...
1. Just WHO is going to employ someone who is most likely to be off sick frequently, who can't walk without sticks on a GOOD day, cannot carry anything, sit for long, has to keep going to the loo, can't use a keyboard for long, or in fact do ANYTHING for very long or in a repeated manner...?? I could go on but I guess you're getting the idea I know one thing for sure and that is if I were an employer then I would NOT employ me... I mean if there are 30 applicants for the job just WHO is an employer going to choose?? NOT the one with multiple health problems that's for sure!!!!!! So what happens when you can't get a job???
2. IF I have to attend these so called "work related activity groups" or have "interviews" etc, then I will almost certainly be in a position where I'm faced with not being able to attend them. What happens then??
3. IF, in the very unlikely event I DO get a job what happens when the inevitable happens and I go sick?? If my doctor's opinion on my inability to work isn't good enough for them now how is this different to getting a sick note in the future???
Sorry for the out-pouring of "stuff" here... ... ... but you know how it is. It's a crazy stressful situation that seems to be aimed at a very vulnerable group of people who are often to weak or stressed to fight back!!
I'd really love to read your thoughts on this please.
Gentle hugs to all xx