Well received my P45 from the government on Friday!! No more ESA. As far as I know my second appeal through CAB is still ongoing?
So on Friday afternoon I attempted to apply for Jobseekers Allowance online. When you get to the second page it asks "have you just been refused ESA?" What a telling question!! If so then you can only apply for JA by telephone. I then spent an hour on the telephone for someone to answer Gave up at 6.10pm as apparently they close at 6pm. So yesterday morning I spent about 40 mins completing the online application with an explanation as to why I had to do this, even tho I had been receiving ESA. Thing is, going on holiday on Tuesday (I didn't pay for it), got letter from bank yesterday to say I was overdrawn! ESA letter says I stopped getting paid on 18 Aug....so took a month to tell me. And yesterday also received a letter from local authority to say..' they have been advised that I am no longer receiving ESA, so they have put a frieze on my community tax benefit'. Honestly WTF!!!! I am a divorced single parent with no other income... are they trying to throroughly break us??? I even applied online for jobs yesterday....but didn't hide the facts about my illness. I'm waiting to hear on the news about the Benefit Budget going down and the Unemployed Numbers going up!! Do you think the spin-doctors will tell us why?