hi everyone , i was wondering does anyone think fibro is an auto immune disorder ?
autoimmune disorder ?: hi everyone , i... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
autoimmune disorder ?

Not too sure, but i do know that mine isnt working at the moment! Have not been able to get rid of an ongoing chest / sinus infection after three lots of antibiotics, and nearly twelve weeks of feeling ill. Xx
99.9% sure it's auto immune - I have a whole host of auto immune disorders developed over many years & always following far too many periods of severe stress etc.
Hey in answer to your question I think my fibro was triggered by an auto immune condition a few yrs ago i started suffering from severe allergic reactions to foods, metals, chemicals etc and have been hospitalised on several occassions with anaphalactic shock which is a life threatening condition where the blood vessels close down to stop perceived invaders entering the body and as a result the organs begin to close down.
About 18 months after being diagnosed as anaphalactic I began sufferin, aches, pains, bouts of anxiety and sleplessness, feelings of exhaustion etc and after a period of tooing and froing to gp I was finally diagnosed with fibro; is there a link I certainly think so but thats just an opion nd im waiting, like many others, for the medical profession to come to a researched and validated conclusion along with a possible cure i live in hope xx
when my fibro started, not long after i was diagnosed with an under active thyroid, my Gp. says they are often linked.
i think it is iv got viteligo which is i auto immune condition xx
I too have an underactive thyroid which was discovered during blood tests for my fibro!! They have also decided I have Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease which is an Auto-immune disease. Apparently the word Undifferentiated is good as it can turn into other things like Lupus or Schergrens (sp) Hey ho what dos'nt kill you makes you stronger <3
hi yes my imune system is shot at,have been told my white blood cell count is very low,and my thyroid is underactive,they are all linked to fibro.x
Could be if there's a bug goin I get it it seemed to start after I was told I had hayfever and had an arm chair a friend and I were messing about he tipped my chair with me still in it and it landed on my right knee woke up next morning my knee was a bit bruised but ok my hip on the other hand was agony I couldn't walk been the same ever since.
My doc once said it was an auto-immune disorder, although I had it for many years before diagnosis, and I had a bout of Shingles, which brought on a flare which has never gone away!
Cheers, Midori
thankyou all for your comments , it is the conclussion i had come to as well x