Fibro - Iv read its a central nervous... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro - Iv read its a central nervous system disorder, anybodys thoughts?

I was told by my phychologist it was a somatic illness,I now need to keep a diary of childhood events,

It's not in your head. You arent suffering from any trauma in childhood. It is a real condition. Stress aggravates it, but doesnt cause it. Don't go down that route of recording everything you can remember, it will just make you stressed. I went through weeks of CBT - all they wanted was memories of past events. Nobody in the room could recall anything good happening. It was all misery, doom and gloom. Bad bad psychology. The psychologists were not interested in anything that doctors, or the medical profession in general had done to cause me such distress over the treatment I had received at the hands of the NHS
lally...what?! I presume he's one of the many people that don't believe its a medical illness? Its not in your head luv, these people make me fume. xx
hi Girls dont qoute me but the "cervical nervous system" comes through the spinal cord into the brain so any damage via the back/spine it goes into the brain ,im talking from experience.ive lost the fullnes of the neck with no support to the head,and with result of EEG has caused damage of "concentration/confusion increase memory loss with epilepsy and Fibro but the cervical nervous sytem effects the pain/numbness throughout the other parts of the body arms/legs ,had MRI on wed and another test to come.but as we all know as its all inside "you look fit and healthy" i will be the department of Neurology that will take this on if your lucky to find a GOOD one!
ps,i hope this helps lavender xx
as Ive got cysts on my spinal cord I think thats probably account alot for my problems as for the phycologist, i see him again in may
forgot to say I now have possible epilipsy, started seizure in sept 2011, memory as you can see is awful
I agree with redcaz611, ally! that is ridiculous! Whoever you are seeing does not understand fibro at all! redcaz611 I agree, they make me fume too! I'm fortunate enough to have understanding GP! I recently (well over a year ago) attended a talk about fibro (this was before I was finally diagnosed!) and it was very interesting. Talked about how it could be affected by the spinal cord being impinged when the head is tilted too far back. If I remember right the studies showed that after treatment, fibro sufferers had a decrease in symptoms. If anyone wants I can email the slides to them. it was a talk arranged by Fibroaction.
girls i made a BIG mistake moving back to Scotland were NHS is well !!
i had a Neaurologist head of UK who was like an old freind it was through her concern of my memory loss was revered to Rheomotology Fibro diognosed
but Neurology covers so much,so many Doctors are ignorant ,i asked one gp for a referal to specialist for fibro "why its only in the MUSCLE !,like the medication the side effects are the worse.
Unfortunately, that link is American. They seem to be far more savvy about Fibro than here in the UK. Our docs need to get on the FibroAction website and take note!
Hi Lolatiger, the idea that FMS is a CNS disorder provides a logical answer and has always appealed to me. My favourite book on the subject is 'Betrayal by the Brain' by Dr Jay Goldstein, it is quite technical and more of a reference book than one you could just read. If you have no medical knowledge there is also a book called 'A Companion Volume to Dr. Jay A. Goldstein's Betrayal by the Brain' by Robert Lecour that is written specifically for patients. Either will give you a really good understanding of the theory and you will know which one is best for you. The only downside is that they are both quite expensive although on the original website for book sales, naming no names, you can get a used copy much cheaper.
Hi again, I thought I should also say a word about your psychologist. I have no idea why they would want you to keep a diary of childhood events but it does not relate to FMS being a somatic condition, so please don't misunderstand them saying that. Somatic pain is not Psychosomatic pain. The definition of Somatic pain is 'Pain arising from tissues such as skin, muscle, tendon, joint capsules, fasciae, and bone', simply that and no more, so I would have to wholeheartedly agree the FMS is just that.