Cant remember who suggested trying The Red Cross but thank you! My best friend over the last 44 years got married on Friday. Would've hated to miss this one and without a wheelchair it would've have been impossible. I made it through the speeches and then left them to it.
To be honest, really feeling quite down. So many people I haven't seen for years. Some people have hardly changed if at all, some have certainly aged. Then there's me. Most of us are 'middle aged'. People knew I was in very poor health, but their shocked but friendly greetings were impossible to miss. It's often difficult to cope with such a restricted lifestyle. I get so bored, but I suppose most days I try to get the best I can out of it. Sometimes I can be so pleased with the simplest of achievements I feel quite pathetic. On the other hand, I'm not sure living out there in the real world is all it's cracked up to be either. It's all a constant reminder not just how weak I am, but also how much I am really missing. I am worn out, in horrendous pain, and just wondering how on earth I'm supposed to live day after day like this. I have a brain (sometimes), but I get tired, my memory is getting worse, concentration is not reliable, I used to consider myself to be an intelligent and articulate person, but I keep getting stuck with the wrong words. The right word is in my head, but does not tally with the word on my tongue. I think that's it for now. Goodnight. xx