Since I was diagnosed with fibro gradually one by one I have lost friends as I was the lively fun loving party girl now all I want is to get home feet up and p.j's.
When I do make the effort to go out I normally feel so exhausted I'm not able to enjoy myself . I miss the fun of going out but I know I just can't do it so i concentrate on the things that make me happy and spend my time with the people that understand and care . The people that are no longer in my life or your life are not worthy of our friendship .
But ... Sometimes all I do is work come home work come home I get very lonely and very down . I totally understand what all my fellow fibro friends are going through. It's so hard to be positive but never ever give up hope be happy with the present the past is the past and no one knows what the future holds but we all can have a fantastic time finding out making new friends along the way X