Well its half 3 I can't sleep again what with my hips and back kickin in to high gear and the hole in my chest from that ruddy subasios sist for those who don't know why I have a hole in my chest , iam in for one hell of a night or what's left of it so I'm reading lord of the rings again I am seeing doc on Thursday need more dressings and I'm supposed to be going to pain clinics group meeting on friday but don't think I will be going as can't do car journeys at month, it makes my chest feel like I have a hundred knives well a hundred may be a bit of an exaduration stabbing in my chest we'll see how it goes on way to docs as that's a short journey. Ttfn . Sithy
Sleepless night: Well its half 3 I can... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Sleepless night

Poor you feeling your pain hope you get some pain relief sorted soon and then perhaps ul get a healing nights sleep. Take care ur in my thoughts xx
Hi Sthandra, awww poor you.......actually you sound just like me! my hips are to sore to lie on well it's the very top of my legs,I've even bought a memory foam mattress & a huge U pillow but they don't work! I think it must be the tender points we get with F/M also I got my back injured in work by one of the residents about 7 years ago now. I worked with autistic adults & they displayed severe challenging behaviours.I was putting one of my care staff to work with him & he decided to go for us & as he ran past me he reached out to scratch my eye, I jerked away & felt my back go & the rest is history!! I also has a sebaceous cyst on my private parts oh my god it hurt!! I couldn't put knickers on hahaha
I can laugh now but at the time I was so ill with it. So yes you must be in a lot of pain from it!!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery hun.
Take care. Hugs Gwen. xx
Hi ive also been up most the night ive nearly had my quote of tabs so fed up at mo hugs to u all
Hi Yvonne I have no options with my pain meds set times only or I won't have enough for the month I have a new 50mg fentanyl patch every 3 days and top up with morphine oral solution 10mg 1 5ml spoon as required I sometimes up it to 3 5ml spoonfuls if I have to I don't like to make a habit of It . Anyway hope you got some sleep I still haven't well ttfn . Sithy
Hi all thanks for your support its a small world I hurt my back when I was16 I was on placement from my YTS youth training scheme I wasn't supposed to actually touch the residents iwas supposed to observe only and help the cleaning and kitchen staff but one day I was ordered to help move a resident from his arm chair to his wheelchair he wasn't small anyway I didn't know what the hell I was doing and the staff member slipped and I had to bear his full weight I was only a short skinny thing god knows what I'd done to my back but next day I could hardly move anyway I ended up having to quit the course which I didn't mind over much as I thought I had enrolled on a child care course. As it turns out it was a community care course not what I wanted at all I ended up unable to work and I turned 17 that year and fell pregnant that gave my back hell and all my labour pains were in my hips not fun when my first born daughter was 7 weeks old I went to th docs with pains in my chest the doc had a listen to my chest then reached for the phone had an ambulance take me straight the hospital for chest xrays I was 18 years old scared whit less on my own no on telling me anything I had a pulmonary embolism I nearly died all I was worried about apart from the fact I couldn't breath was my baby who was with her gran a right control freak anyway imoved into my own house as fast as possible, I had my second daughter at 20 I had herendose back pain with her aswell then after I had her I had an infection in my ovaries , then I had my youngest at 21 by which time I was in and out of hospital the doc thought I was having an eptopic pregnancy no I was having a misscarridge can't spell for toffee anyway I lost 1 a boy they thought iws 14 weeks gone I then spent the rest of my pregnancy in pain of one sort or another.I forgot to mention that after giving birth to the last 2 girls I had to have heperine probably spelt that wrong.for the last 2 months of Carrying my youngest I could hardly walk what with the pain in my back and hips now my calf musc screamed pain at every step that cleared up ater I had her she was laying on a nerve but the back ache and hip pain was there but not so as you would notice then I had a swollen stomach when she was 6 weeks old then one morning I couldn't walk and the rest they say is history. Sorry to bore you but I'm still trying to find a way to fall asleep .
She had just turned 3 when I woke and couldn't walk I don't want to confuse anyone I know I'm not to free with the full stops and comers sorry ,,,,,,,......