I have so much going on at the moment and need an Advocate - any advice would be appreciated - thank you.
Does anyone have an Advocate? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone have an Advocate?
Hello Reflections
Have you considered going to your local CAB (Citizen's Advice Bureau) or your local Social Care Office (contact Social Services) - they will be able to point you in the right direction to help you. Failing that, have a word with your GP.
A little info about Advocates for all of us -
Sometimes you need to talk rather than just get advice. Advocates can help you work out what you think is best for you and then to help you speak out and try to get what you need. Advocates are paid staff or trained volunteers who you can talk to in confidence. They are independent from health and social care services. Advocates aim to help you with big or small problems about health or social care issues.
1.Meet with you
2.Listen to you
3.Help you to be clear about your problem
4.Talk about your rights
5 Help you to choose what you think is best to do and to make 'informed decisions'
6.Advocates can help you to write letters or make phone calls, prepare for meetings or even go with you to meetings.
7.They can help you to try to get the services you want.
OMG thought you was talking about the drink advocart,haha
Thank you for your responses - Liberty your explanation of Advocates - Westgate I remember now about mental health organizations have good access to advocates - 1961 yes I could do with an advocart...... x
My pleasure Reflections, I hope this all works out well for you.
I have one and she is excellent. I found her via a friend who had asked the vulnerable adults unit thru the social services - tho she is independant of them.