ATOS has won the contract to do the P... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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ATOS has won the contract to do the PIP assessments!

alikat1 profile image
21 Replies

I am in shock. (But not really). After all the hell that the government is fully aware of people going through with ATOS and their unfair WCA (which has been designed by the DWP) they have won the contract now for the PIP assessments. As has Capita (which has apparently been amazingly fabulous in the States and Canada for spying on people's facebook accounts to see what they are up to and gathering evidence to use against people in attempting to get insurance/benefits. Scary times.

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alikat1 profile image
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21 Replies
julieevh profile image

Beggars belief doesn't it? The tenders this government award make no sense. It isn't just health ... Virgin Trains have lost the West Coast Mainline Franchise as well. Barmy people making these eratic, nonsensical decisions.

Julie xx

alikat1 profile image

Bottom line is that it is a group of a select few who make the decisions for many....and I am sure that there are a lot of 'brown bag deals' going on in the background to top it all off. I guess I just feel, well, useless. If one woman got 1000 people to sign a petition in regards to ATOS to say that they will agree to record her interview - only to be told 'if a recording machine is available and if it isn't, then she still must attend'....(there are something like 14 machines in the whole country, 9 of which are 'broken', with 11,000 interviews a week! And the 2 shows on tv about ATOS and how 32 people are dying a week based on their decisions? THIS is the company that the government has hired? SHAME on them.

tinkerbell1 profile image

excuse my ignorance but what is PIP? x :D

tess10 profile image

personal independant payment, it means all money will go in one pot, and whatever you are awarded is to cover everything, housing, council tax, esa, Dla and so on. thats my understanding smiles and hugs xx

Lioslaith profile image
Lioslaith in reply to tess10

I think you're thinking of Universal Credit. PIP as mentioned by trigger is what they are replacing Disability Living Allowance with as of next year. Both benefits are just ploys to steal money away from those who need it most and who they think can't fight them about it.

trigger profile image

pip is the new dla its being changed from feb 2013 from DLA to PIP gentle hugs xx

Lioslaith profile image

Call me a cynic if you will but this whole thing, ESA and PIP, has been a stitch up from day 1. Fully intending to rob people of benefits they badly need just so that the government can give their buddy boys money, be it by contracts such as these or in tax breaks like we saw at the budget.

sharonissexy profile image
sharonissexy in reply to Lioslaith

totally agree xx

alikat1 profile image

It is a stitch up. And it is leaving those who are most vulnerable at risk. Capita (the other company involved along with ATOS were caught out in the States for a variety of mis-doings and ultimately owed people millions from their actions. (So a fab track record! I'd hire them in an instant! Not! Tracking (read spying) on people on Facebook is beyond low. Yet I have stopped posting on it for fear of me being hauled up for mentioning that I may have cooked or cleaned (but not the fact that I'll be suffering for days from my actions). We are living in the world of big brother on top of all of this. Scary.

Tupney profile image

I agree, We have been stitched up by our own country. Don't see any way forward at the moment.

alikat1 profile image

Nope. Look at the action groups, the protests...the tv shows that did an undercpver ionvestgation (which was shocking!). I feel completely powerless...

Why am I not surprised. This government is just killing us off, it makes me feel so angry. God knows what the future holds in store for us?



alikat1 profile image

It is a stitch up. And it is leaving those who are most vulnerable at risk. Capita (the other company involved along with ATOS were caught out in the States for a variety of mis-doings and ultimately owed people millions from their actions. (So a fab track record! I'd hire them in an instant! Not! Tracking (read spying) on people on Facebook is beyond low. Yet I have stopped posting on it for fear of me being hauled up for mentioning that I may have cooked or cleaned (but not the fact that I'll be suffering for days from my actions). We are living in the world of big brother on top of all of this. Scary.

lesleylaw profile image

I am so depressed by it all, my wrag runs out in december from then it will be means tested, my dla is up for review next year, it all seems so bloody hopeless, l am in a pretty dark place because of all the stress atos and dwp are causing me. l just hope they bother to actually read evidence l put in with my appeal this time.

netta62 profile image

My blood ran cold to this news, wondering if I should just take all my meds now and be done with it, after all that's what the goverment want, us to do, to same them money.....They deam me fit for work, if they take my DLA away, I won't be able to get to work, if someone chooses to employ me. cos my car are my legs and little bit of independence I have left .

Bev95 profile image

I think this government needs to look closer to home to make their cuts and savings the MP's expenses claims...I wish I could afford to have a second home...claim money to pay my household bills including food bills, or even pay to have a gardener to come and tend to my garden...Just think how much money would be saved if they scrapped those expenses...because lets face it the majority of MP's and cabinter ministers are already wealthy in their own right...coming from privilidged backgrounds and having a free university education without having to pay top up fees...I mean who should we be looking at first who is costing the British Tax payer more...MP's or genuine people who need help???? Just saying.....Maybe ATOS should be means testing the MP's....see how they like it!!! Bev

alikat1 profile image

I know, I know folks. Why can't the MPs all just have a large apartment complex that they live in when in London? They get away with SOOOO much. The thing that gets me is look at all the campaign groups. Occupy. Everything else. 32 people dying a week? Their hands are covered in blood. And they still don't give a fig

madddyyy profile image

I used to work for the DWP and i understand the reasoning behind one payment once a month, which is saving them billions due to post office charges and admin and whatnot, but this atos/goverment are using it as a weapon to bully people and rob those who can not or dont know how to defend there rights.

Even the prof who made the new system has spoken out against the gov and atos about the abuse.

I find it hilarious that ATOS are a sponsor of the olympic games and paraolympic games, probably a few weeks after the poor athletes from para games all get money stopped with videos from the games as evidence.

The only way we will be heard is to all march to downing street and handcuff ourselves to the gates. 1000s of us on same day. let the country know what will happen if they become ill or have a disability in the future which can happen to ANYONE.

alikat1 profile image
alikat1 in reply to madddyyy

I'm not even sure a march would make any difference TBH. I know -it is amazing ATOS are a sponsor of the games! I really thought that after the 2 shows on tv a few weeks ago - Britain on the Sick and I forget the other one - but showing what REALLY does go on in ATOS and training and how 32 people a week have died as the result of their decision making (I know - they say that it is the DWP who makes the decision in the end,but please...ultimately it is what goes down on the paper from the ATOS medical that is the true indicator as to whether people are going to keep or lose their benefits...).

Anyways, I thought for sure that Chris Grayling would be forced to resign after those two shows. NOPE.

madddyyy profile image
madddyyy in reply to alikat1

I know, and the amount of money being spent on appeals that are being won, one solicitor saying he has not lost one case against atos/dwp. I think they are aggressively trying to boot as many off b4 the house of cards falls down, plus with the goverment making all disabled people in the eyes of joe public to be fakers and scroungers along side is in my eyes hate crime by the people who should be PROTECTING us.

Atos are actively taking part in and watching posts in and probably here as well. bout time we all stood and took action in either an internet campaign or tv.

They are also doing this to people who can not defend themselves against this atos crowd, the most vunerable are the ones who take this action the worst and end up taking there lives as there is no way out.

I feel in years to come this will be a historical event and something never to be repeated. And i hope those responsible will be brought to justice and prosecuted for the murser of these poor people.

it makes me feel SICK.

alikat1 profile image

Iknow, IS sickening. I thank the Universe that I am able to type...albeit from my bed, with 9 pillows for support, ice packs and heat, wrist splints and a whack of meds (which are now going to be illegal to drive on (not that I do...).

I used to own my own businesses. I actually USED to be fairly well off, with a lovely home, a place in the sun for the winters, food, a nice car. Money in the bank for emergencies and for just plain enjoyment - as well as private health care and investments for my retirement. All gone. (Other than the house, which we have been thankfully able to save by the skin of our teeth through bankruptcy and negative equity). I am used to working 18 hour days. ON MY FEET. And having the money at the end of all my hard work to enjoy, be proud of, and know I was working towards a good future. Believe me, I did not want to end up this way.

I have become absolutely paranoid about stuff...I rarely post anything on FB main page anymore - for fear of it being used against me (apparently the new company hired together with ATOS for the PIP stuff is the same company that is in the States that was spying on people and using things from FB in court so that they couldn't get their insurance). It is a Big Brother state.

If I could get a job where I could work from my bed and not have to speak to anybody on the phone (because of constantly losing words, train of thought, concentration...there is NO way that I would in any way be professional...), I would happily take it. I do not want to be this way. And on top of which, now paranoid.

A friend of mine was just hauled in for an assessment - with pictures of her at the grocery shop. What they failed to realise, was that she had an ILS person assisting her. But of course, failed. So, basically, you have to be house bound, and no digits working on either hand.

To me, this is genocide. I was shocked when those 2 documentaries a few weeks ago didn't have Chris Grayling resigning...but it all seems brushed under the carpet! And, ATOS supporting the paralympics??? sheesh. Shocking.

We just gotta stick together.

In saying this, (and being the paranoid anxious person I am...) how have you found out about Money Saving Expert and it being 'spied on'?


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