Need some advice about FRAUD BENIFITS... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Need some advice about FRAUD BENIFITS?....

CAREN profile image
25 Replies

I feel discriminated the way im married with my husband...Im his wife ,a carer,and last year i never recieved any benifits ,so i forced myself to work.,And we send a letter to the benifits about the changes because im start earning.I work almost 1 half year,and last December i stop,because we have a daughter and my husband can't cope to look after her,unlike before his brother help him.So this year January i apply myself to claim Care's allowance,til 4 months i never heard about it ,so iv rang and they told me the never recieved it,,so i apply again but i put the starting date wen i start i apply it.But anyway its sorted now and months of husband recieved a letter about HOUSING AND COUNCIL TAX BENIFITS,that he need to go for enterview because he is claiming fraud benifits.I feel mad about it,because we been already that kind of problem,and heres another one,Before the benifts of my husband ,income support stop ,nobody told him and even send a letter but according to them they do send a letter .but its stranged because we never get it,but anyway my husband send to court about the rent arrears untill it sorted out.but we still paying the arreares witch is £1000 plus.

Now about this problem iv rang the city council, and explain about it ,how comes my husband charged as claiming fraud if i send a letter?and they said that they never recived it.and the trouble is i haven't keep the proven reciept or even a copy of tha letter.

And same with child taxed wen we renew this april? they turn around as well that my husband never told them that im working?but he did,but anyway thers no worrying about this because its obviosly we are right only the HBCT.

So my husband recieved a letter appointment for his enterview and me,as a wife or people living with him is not allowed to go but friends or Solisitor is the only one can go with him,,and sad to say he have no chance to pull any solicitor to go that enterview because of some reason of them.

Then now i really feel i am humilite myself,feels like im not a part of my husband life.Im supposed go with him especially my husband health situation .His in the wheelchair(no legs below his knee),and the way he talk is alright but ,u can tell that he need help epscially discussion because he is no good about it.Same things now..about all his benifits and some paper works im the one help him.

I dont know its really stress feelings about this,and according my husband said,wen i ask hows the enterview,we need to pay back them,if how much i earned that time at work,plus the enterest and the payslip ,witch my husband proved them that how much hrs,im working,they said its not complate payslip ,so we have to pay as well.full rent and sorts of another enterest....

HONESTLY IM SO upset about this!!! why the earth they didn't allow me to go to my husband so that i can explain properly.and last thing they never considerate the letter the one i send is sounds unfair for us,,sounds that thye really put down my husband situation u know,because his dissable and he is married with a foriegn girl,,or what,,forme its really unfair....


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CAREN profile image
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25 Replies
pennells profile image

hi , if it was me i would go to the citizen advice , they will be able to help you , these people do my head in to we have had a similar problem, and know living £280 less a month, its hard, and we notified them to, they just don't know what there doing, , good luck suexx

Devonlady profile image

Definately go to the citizens advice as they seem to be the only people able to get anywhere with the councils and benefits offices.

I'm not so sure about CAB . My husband spent 2 hours there this morning because we've had out HB chopped by two thirds, only for them to tell us by their calculations we should be receiving anything . They then admitted the branch local to us are not trained legal specialists in welfare benefits !

The nearest branch to us is miles away in Portsmouth , so going to the local branch was a complete waste of time :(

You can contact your local council's advocacy service ( should be on their website ) if your husband needs someone to go with him . Or look online and see if there is a Law Centre in your area.

Good luck.

CAREN profile image

Thanks evryone.....Yes i will do to go citizen advice..but honestly this freaking rules now about benifits,people supposed to be deserved to get it,thats the situation they trying to stop.but how comes ,im not being nasty,,others recieving benifits thers nothing wrong with them,,u know and they never husstled it....And for me sounds really unfair !!!


please get a soliceter to go with you honestly its scarry enough ( i had it done to me )

CAB are amazing but just to take the heat off the solicitor is the best bet ..

Its not something to really stress about ( yes thats sounds easy for me to say I was so upset worried i went in feeling so ill )

All things will be back dated when its sorted out

I dont know the whole situation for you but they will phone round ask for the best option for you

Good luck Gentle dyslexic hugs

nanny4 profile image
nanny4 in reply to

Sorry to hear you have had problems with the benefits.

A couple of years ago we got a bill for £900 which we have had to pay back £75 a month,it was for tax credits that had been paid to us by ,when my daughter left full

Time college and started full time work,I notified dwp 6 weeks before she left college and they over latest us,I thought we were entitled to it as I had notified them.

They make me so angry,it is not the first time this has happened to us ,definatley get advice from citezens advice.


CAREN profile image
CAREN in reply to

Thank you Lexie..x

Caren I am so sorry to hear about your current situation, it must be a terrible worry for you. The first thing you need to do right away is to seek advice. The best place to start would be the CAB (Citizens' Advice Bureau).

As your husband has already had his interview you really need advice on what to do next, to cope financially etc. Take a look at this link's info, hopefully it will help you -

CAREN profile image
CAREN in reply to

Hi LibbyDe,thanks for the idea and yes i been that site already and ,honestly i can't make it how to start u know,,so iv better get the solisitor...x

suejayjay profile image

How can someone who has no legs below the knee and is so obviously disabled! NOT be entitled to full benefits??? This is what I am not understanding at all with this benefit system! Obviously you have tried to help yourselves!!! Again this seems to be the wrong thing to do! I too find it so difficult to understand how some people get every benefit going and free this and free that.(and I know of this from people I have come across in my working situation!) But people like you and your husband Caren get no help at all. Perhaps the fact that you are married goes against you too!! I would go to the CAB as suggested. They have accsess to lawyers who give their time for free too and can perhaps recomend one that deals in benefits.

I too run foul of the benefit system, when I was on IS. My daughter left full time education. I too notified the DWP. They paid me a sum of about £950 in a cheque, that I rightly thought was mine! They then decided that they had overpaid me. I went to court with a CAB rep. Who did her best and even the judge said it was a farcical situation, but I STILL HAD TO PAY IT BACK!"!!!! Now I not only send letters but also ring each time I need to make a change to my WTC or when I was made redundant and on ESA. In fact I had managed to return to work and was no longer claiming, when the ESA "invited me" to go for a medical if I needed to still be claiming ESA! Definately Right hand does not know what the Left hand is doing most of the time!!. Good luck Caren and hope you get all sorted very soon. X

CAREN profile image
CAREN in reply to suejayjay

Thanks suejayjay. yes sounds really not good isn't and yes u right,,and since we live together with my partner anyway i never heard or seen anybody help him.Even tho his social care,i never meet her,and my husband told me why,it is because shes not doing her right job to help my husband.because that time at the accident ,his in the hospital,loads of needles attatched to him,and practicaly the eyes is swollen for the medicine,the social services visit him and wen he ask that kind if what benifits he can get ,,she turn around and said,no u can't,,u still able can work,and and since then...:-(

oh dear bless you i dont know where to sart yes you will have to go to CAB and also in your loal papre they normally do a open solicitoe eveeeeeery week where they do a free clinic so may be worth looking online fo free solicitors clinic in your ara i cannot understand how your husband has not been entitled to full benefits ???? but hat do i know it is disgusting the way you are being traeted i always take copies of letters that i send and also i have reciepts for sending them and if i call any dept i write down the date /time/ who i spoke to and a brief description of what was spoken about this has proved to be invaluable at times. a few years ago i had troublw ith my council offices about council tax so went down there i said to the lady i have sent ou 8 to 10 e mails with all the details etc you need oh she said we have no e mails from you oh is that right i said and produced the e mails and aid them on the desk like a deck ocards she didnt know what to say or where to look and the funny thing is she went to the back room and they miracously were found !!!!!! so you have to check check again and also keep everything i take letters to the council i ask for a reciept they look t you as if your mad but i dont care i like proof of everything you cant gowrong then anyway i am rambling so i wish you good luck on your quest for justice and hope you get it love to you diddle xxx

CAREN profile image
CAREN in reply to

Hi diddle.thank you,,yes,its really sad and as what i said my husband is needed help ,he ven know to explain properly,his so soft..and i know you right,,i should keep any letter of profe ,thats the only mistake iv done,,and what they say is,,my husband supposed to be send a letter of phone them because his the one claiming benifits,,but,,,,but im his wife,,a carer ,,so what?its sounds im out of his life isnt? and make ma mad,,becaus ethe way they treat my husband ,,they understemate and sounds they are agains of me...and yes..loads of benifits my husband missing,,because now and then im the one more on reading and searching in the net and ,u know the cold weather payment,i dont know if u get it,but wen my husband apply it last time below zero degree.they said my husband can't get it,,and we have a child below 5 yrs,old that time.

And we are waiting now the letter decisions of them but my husband ring already a solisitor to help him,and i think this problems we have ,is the reason we are stress and espcially my husband,,sounds his back to his depression.:-(

NordicNavajo profile image

I do wish you luck! I would have thought that anyone has the right to "an advocate" and an advocate of their choice. That is someone to represent them in the light of disadvantage or disability. Yes try CAB but also try and contact any local carers support groups for advice. Carers UK may have someone who can help on the issue of your husband NEEDING you as his advocate and his rights to your representation given his disabilities.

If you are dealing with authorities you will need to send everything with a proof of posting (which is free at post office) as a minimum. If you EVER hand deliver ANYTHING to authorities stick your neck out and ask for a receipt. They will not like it but you are entitled to a receipt for anything you hand over be it a letter or cash. If they kick up ask them to write on a compliment slip and tell them what to write."recieved one letter for ............ in ........... department" and the date and signature of who you give it to. Get used to keeping copies.

I have been fighting for some time now and you MUST keep everything. If you are not used to keeping records may I suggest keeping a diary of letters, calls etc and keep notes on what the issue was, who you spoke to or wrote to, the time and date etc.

It will help your fight.

Here is hoping you will not have to fight forever.

Kind thoughts NN :)

CAREN profile image
CAREN in reply to NordicNavajo

thank u NN....x

emadavies profile image

my husband got attacked, an while in hospital they sed as hes not well hes not entitled to job seekers, so i tryed to sort it for incopasity benifit, but they said hes not ill enough, wtf, hes got brain damage, he can hardly stand as hed collaps!

an also because we wasnt entitled to either benifit we had to pay 2 months of rent, (what do they think we got a money tree?)

CAREN profile image
CAREN in reply to emadavies

really? and exactly emadavies wer not picking the money on the road either,,,they are really stupid to see the situations,and how comes other people nothings wrong with them ,phiysically fit to work but thye granted straight away the benifits...they really mad!,,

Hope u ok,,tc.x

emadavies profile image

im my opinion my husbant is still not fit to work!

because of his brain damage he has dibilitating headaches, super bad memory and social phobia. but hes having to say he is just so we can survive (we have 2 kids to support aswell)

(me an the hubbie are a right pair with our memories both being bad. i told you, no you didnt, yes i did, lol, constant)

gregorysgal profile image

was claiming working tax credits and informed woman on the phone as i rang in that things had changed , she asked me was i disabled and i said yes i have epilepsy and athritis , i then get a letter saying im getting disability tax credits the october last got phone call from dwp that they were taking me off the disabilty tax credits because i wasnt in reciept of dla , i then told her about the phone conversation with the telephone application and saying my circumstances had changed , knowing i should not recive tax credits cos my son had left collage , i then get a letter from HMRC telling me they were taking 2 years not 5months working tax credits back ....even though my son was still in education , they refuted it i now get letters asking about myf finaces from hrmc as they want wait for it £12,849. 00 of me , this debt will be around my neck until i get DLA and then they will credit me with wtc when that happens, i will fight on as im getting more and more ill and taking more and more medication

CAREN profile image
CAREN in reply to gregorysgal

Hi gregorysgal,i understand what u feel.its really make us worried and streess.might it ends of deprssion anyway..

Same ours, my husband supposed to be getting extra help but it they refuse it,,and the same for his income support before,,its stop and he didnt know untill the rent payment goes up,and it ends to go to court.honestly loads of husstle.and we can't win,,.we end of having we owed them and pay them back.its really stupid.thy looking some ways our life ends of trouble untill the end we sturggled,

gregorysgal profile image

hi caren stay strong , i do my best to stay strong , i wont let them beat me !!

I've been through this and the council took me to court for £400 which they now get back at £3.50 a fortnight from my benefits. I wouldn't let it drive you crazy. They can't get blood out of a stone. If you haven't got the money, they can't get it!


Caren, how did you get on at the Doctors with your husband on Monday?! I hope it went well for you both. :)

CAREN profile image
CAREN in reply to

Hi LibbyDe...well i never go yet to the doctors about it.iv change my mind again!!! i most care everything to him.i give full attention and concern for evything .....u know,but wen i need him in my worries and sadness,,i feel alone,,even a lil bit concern back to me nothing,,,so i give up,i really need help what im gonna do for like this kind of person.and make me worried more is suppose to be every month,i send support to my son ,the one live abroad in my family,,but last month,til now.,i didn't send any peny,because how could i?,,my priority is here as well,i would concern here,thats why im so concern about money...not because to spend to my self,,to send to my is because,,i want to live.debt free..better house and with a job,instead relaying on benifits( But anyway its my husband problems ,all the debt,but i only try my best to help him ,to sorted this all.).i hate benefits u know its make some people too lazy to find a job,those whos really fit to work,,and make them self didnt know how to budget...( SORRY,).not all people some of them!!!

It's ok Caren, I understand what you're saying. You need to take your hubby to the Doctors if you can, because then they would find out what was wrong with him and treat it. This would no doubt make him easier to live with, which would make it easier for you too. I understand how hard it is for you, you are so strong to keep battling on. You need help and if making it easier to live at home with your husband through him feeling better, it's got to be worth a try hasn't it. Take care of yourself Caren. :)

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